Guardian Angel - Logan x Patton

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From a young age Logan always thought something or someone was looking over him. It's stupid, he knows this but it was as if everything that could go wrong...doesn't. Obviously he didn't notice at first, seeing as it started at such a young age, but growing up he noticed more and more.

Like the time - the earliest he could remember - his elder brother pressured him into climbing a tree, once he was stuck his elder brother laughed and raced away, leaving Logan alone in a tall tree, terrified. He didn't know how to get down, and he physically couldn't move - his eyes fixated on the floor too far away from his feet. Shaking like the many leaves around him, he clutched the branches that held him up, tears brimming his eyes.

That's when he felt sudden...warmth surrounding him, somehow he calmed down and relaxed on the branches, finding the courage to slowly climb down. He hadn't the foggiest idea where the sudden confidence came from, but it didn't last. Planting a foot on a particularly thin branch he let out a scream of terror as it broke under his weight, before he could grab anything he was plummeting to the ground but just before he collided with the Earth branches that were definitely not there before caught him, gently lowering him down onto the grass.

Breathing in sharply he laid still for a few minutes, regaining control of his limbs he jumped up and ran home, collapsing in his Mother's arms.

That was years ago but still Logan couldn't imagine how it was possible, how the tree caught him. Trees don't do that.

Another big example - few years later - he was walking down his school hallway after using the bathroom. Of course him being the nerd and an easy target a few older boys thought it would be funny to shove him in a locker.

Shove a boy who was claustrophobic into a tight space.

But, they didn't know that. Not like it would stop them, anyway.

Once he heard them walking away, laughing and chatting loudly, he pushed the door, eyes widening once he realised it was locked. Heart pounding against his rib cage, he didn't notice his breathing become sporadic as he kicked and yelled, pounding on the door for someone to free him.

Suddenly, before he could damage his knuckles anymore warmth spread through him and around him - like the feeling he felt years ago stuck up in a tree - which stopped his beating against the metal. Gulping in air he didn't think anything of it, leaning into the warmth and closing his eyes.

"Please open the locker..." he whimpered, rational thoughts escaping his mind, who was he talking to? Who was he trying to talk to? No one else was there, he was talking to air! As if that would help his predicament.

But as soon as he uttered those words the locker door unlocked and slowly glided open. Gasping, Logan jumped out and backed away from the locker, the warmth vanishing.

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