Goose Chase - Virgil x Logan & Patton x Roman

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"Roman, do not get too close" Logan warned, watching Roman try to feed a goose. Virgil rolled his eyes, slumped on the wooden bench beside Logan, scowling at the sun every so often.

"Leave him" Virgil muttered, watching Roman and his idiocy. Logan sighed but obliged, like Virgil he too was a little curious to see how this will play out.

"What about this one!" Patton gasped, picking another berry from the hedge. Thomas smiled, handing his bubbly trait the bucket. "You're good at this" he complimented, grabbing a few berries from higher up. Patton only smiled and giggled quietly at the compliment, happily picking out more for the pie they're planning to make later today.

They froze, though, when they heard a loud scream.

Spinning around they watched with wide eyes as Roman sprinted across the grass next to the path they were just on away from a large goose who - unsurprisingly - was chasing him. "Roman!" Patton called, dropping the bucket and rushing after him. Thomas watched frozen in place, knowing a laugh was about to escape his lips that were in the shape of an 'o'.

Unlike Virgil who as soon as he watched the goose attack burst into a bellow of laughter, falling to the ground and clutching his stomach, Romans screeching only furthering his amusement. Even Logan held a hand over his mouth as he let out a few undignified snorts, shaking his head at Romans stupidity.

Roman had no where else to run apart from back the way he came, he didn't know what to do, but he didn't want the goose to attack his friends - especially Patton.

"This isn't my fault..." Roman whispered, slowing down his speed to a halt. Jumping around, he dived away from the goose attack, it turning around to attack again, but Roman defended himself. Everyone - people they didn't even know - watched as Roman reeled back his leg and booted the goose across the park, skidding across the water until it disappeared under.

Virgils laughter died down as he - along with the others - stared with their mouths wide open, watching Roman cover his mouth, eyes glued to the water, did he...kill the goose?

"Roman..." Patton breathed, not knowing what to-to say! "I just killed a goose" he whispered in astonishment.

"You just killed a goose" Virgil echoed, scanning the water but alas the goose did not rise.

"Well, it was one or the other" Logan sighed out, standing up from the bench. "Unfortunately, it was the goose" he crossed his arms, sending Roman a look. The royal didn't care, though.

"Maybe you knocked it out?" Thomas offered, rubbing his creative trait's back comfortingly. "It's okay, Roro" Patton smiled softly, giving him a quick side hug but the royal wasn't going to end it like this. Grabbing the back of his shirt he pulled it over his head and before anyone could protest he dived head first into the large, deep lake in the middle of the park.

"He is an idiot!" Logan declared, rushing to the side of the lake with the others. "Roman? Roman!" Patton called, clearly worried out of his mind. "If he doesn't come back I'm not going in" Virgil muttered, earning a whimper from Patton as he imagined it.

"Don't worry, Pat" Thomas frowned.

The lake was silent, onlookers watched in frozen anticipation for the man to come up, but he didn't for awhile. "The lake is very deep" Logan blurted, not feeling worried. He knew Roman and if he couldn't find the goose he would come up before he lost all his oxygen - besides, he can hold his breath for awhile.

Two minutes later and all eyes snapped to the few bubbles that popped on the surface.


Suddenly, he burst from the water, goose above his head, flapping its wings violently. Pushing it up the goose caught itself, quickly swimming on the surface of the water far away, leaving Roman to hover in the water, coughing up large amounts of dirty, germ filled water.

"Come here, Roman!" Patton called, watching the royal struggle to swim over but he managed, letting the others pull him up, hitting his back as he finally got rid of all water in his lungs, instead gulping in sweet, sweet oxygen. "I cannot believe you risked your life for a goose" Logan chided, watching in dismay at the chuckling, shirtless Roman who laid on the grass in a puddle of water.

"It was my fault!" Roman protested, "he was so deep down" Roman explained how the goose tried to get away, only swimming deeper and deeper. Once Roman finally caught it, it snapped at his arm, which was why blood was currently drooling down his it, Patton letting out a yelp of alarm.

Once they all scolded Roman they praised him for saving the animal all while walking back to the car. Patton clutching his hand the entire way home.

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