My Daughter - Logan & Lee

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I'm doing a lot of oneshots with children...anhhhhhhhh sorry if it's annoying



"Hey, it's Lee the faggot!"

Lee silently cursed, picking up her pace but her bullies were already behind her, the "main" bitch tugging her hood, pulling her back. "Get off!" Lee pleaded, slapping her hand away. The bitch gasped, reeling her hand back but a grin stretched out across her face nonetheless.

"I caught you glancing at Sophie's tits today, you know that brunette bitch hates that...or, does she? She is a Slut-"

"Shut up! She's not like you!"

The girls behind the main bitch bully giggled at the insult, watching their "leader" - Kathleen - grin wider. "Is that the best you got? Pathetic" she drawled, checking her nails. "Anyway, like I was were staring, are you turning into a faggot like your Dads?" Kathleen mocked, watching with pleasure as Lee tensed in fury.

"Don't you dare-!"

"Logan and...Patton, right? What kind of name is Patton? And...he's more of a child than a Dad, a bit creepy too, why does he like kids so much-?" Before she could finish Lee reeled back her arm and went to punch her perfect face but Kathleen's minions stopped her, pinning her to the floor as she kicked and squirmed. Kathleen laughed in her misfortune, ready to go on and on but someone ran over.

"What the fuck?"


"Dad!" Lee cried, the girls finally letting her go. Logan pulled her into his chest, glaring heatedly at them. "Touch, speak, or even look at my daughter again and I won't hesitate on phoning the police, or better yet, letting Lee beat the shit out of you. And I heard what you said about my husband, how dare you speak about him that way! I can easily hack into your stupid phones and leak whatever I want, so you better run and leave my family alone"

The girls looked terrified and all ran off screaming, leaving Lee and Logan alone. "Lee? Honey?" Logan whispered gently, kneeling down to her height to see her crying. "Lee, it is okay, I am here now. They will not hurt you anymore, I am so sorry I did not notice them hurting you sooner"

Lee shook her head, cleaning her eyes. "N-no" She sniffled, "It-it's fine, I can't defend myself from a bunch of girls...I'm sorry, I tried, I didn't want them speaking about Dad that way!" She confessed, crying again. Logan frowned, picking her up in a tight hug.

"I know, I understand. I can teach you how to defend yourself, so if they ever try to hurt you I will not ground you for punching them"

This earned a small grin from Lee, causing a smile to widen on Logan's face.

"Now, clean those tears, we do not want Patton finding out" Lee nodded, whipping her eyes as Logan placed her back down. "Thanks, Dad" Lee smiled, holding his hand.

"Anything for you, Honey"

Protective Logan <3!

Love it, lmao

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