New Step-Brother - Roman x Virgil

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The orange glow from the setting sun spread across the street Virgil looked down upon from his balcony. His head resting in his arms covered in long, thick, stitched sleeves, a jacket he made for himself a little over a year ago.

With the crisp winter air ruffling through his dark brown locks, spreading through and against the short, freshly cut grass below, Virgil was at peace, watching his little brother and step-little brother play together in the front garden, wooden swords in hand, loud, high-pitched voices yelling out words of a pirate, his Mother and her newly wed husband watching on with gentle smiles, sometimes turning to chat to each other mindlessly.

Sighing, his breath floated away, visible with the cold air.

Eyes almost as black as night scoured the land below, narrowed and poised, wanting to catch a glimpse of white and red.

He would be lying to himself if he were to say he wasn't trying to find Roman, but he didn't want to admit it, nor did he fully understand why. Before his Mother married Roman's Father, all Virgil knew of him was he was self-centred, arrogant, creative, a theatre nerd, and was friends with the bullies.

He and his two friends put him along with the other people they should not communicate with. The day Virgil found out about his Mothers marriage to the Father of Roman, he was mad, and scared.

'What ifs' ran through his mind each night, clogging his throat up, shallow and sharp breaths bringing little to no oxygen to his lungs, the panic increasing with each second, it made him terrified of the outcome, that somehow Roman would make his friends target him, Roman would blackmail him, would...make his life hell!

But...the first day Virgil lived in this house, he saw a side to Roman no one saw before.

His compassion, his tender care to those who need it, his love for romance, and his protective side.

Virgil didn't know which one he liked the most, but it truly made him believe in the phrase "never judge a book by its cover" because it was very much true - especially in Roman's case.

Heck, Virgil didn't know Roman was gay! He just assumed Roman went around with girls, only in it for a quick fuck, but it couldn't be more than the complete opposite. The way he treats each girl he meets is one to be admired, as if each were a goddess, deserving endless respect, which he never failed to give. Unless, of course, they were to hurt someone else first.

Then his respect is cut short.

Now that Virgil pays more attention to it, he can see why Roman never really hangs around with girls in school, because he wants to keep his high stance in the social ladder, his reputation almost as important as his grades at this point.

Although, Virgil could see why.

The more time he lived here, the more time he noted how his Father cared for Roman's little brother like he was his only child, and deserved endless care attention, while Roman was shoved to the back, not truly knowing if his Father even loved him.

Roman needed attention, and if it weren't from his Dad, it would be from school.

Fluttering open, Virgil's eyes focused on the tree a little ways away from his balcony, holding a nest full of chirping baby birds.

With little to no conversation held between he and Roman, Virgil suddenly wanted that to change.

Of course, he's been nervous about Roman since he'd moved in, and he still was, but if Roman's hidden side came out, Virgil was sure it wouldn't be hard to hold a conversation with him.

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