The start ig

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I just sat on the floor by a tree. I didn't even know where I was, but I guess by a tree? The world looked more animated and realistic at the same time. I got up and looked two ways. "In front of me is a valley, and behind me is a forest" I mumbled to myself. I figured I could see more if I went to the valley. I walked for a little bit until I heard sizzling. "What is that?" I said turning. Until I saw a green figure behind me. It blew up and I flew back from the impact. "Ow- What the hell was that?" I said getting up. I saw a note in the hole and I jumped down to get it. "Creeper, a green figure that blows up when you get near it. Can't burn from from sun" the note explained. "So I find out the explanations when I encounter them? That's odd" I said dropping the note. I climbed out of the hole and walked more. I kept walking until I saw a bunch of houses ahead. I ran towards the light hoping to find out where I was. I stopped in the middle of the village and slowed down to a walk. People were walking by, each doing individual things. "Hello? I had a question" I said tapping one of the people's shoulders. They just stared at me eyes narrowed and replied, "Meh". "Uhh" I said pausing. "Meh" the person said flicking their head foward and walking ahead. "Does everyone reply with that?" I asked myself. I walked by more and kept hearing different "Meh" around the people. "I guess that is all they answer with" I mumbled. I walked into an empty house and found a chest. "Ooh hell yeah" I said running to the chest and kneeling down to open it. I looked through it and found an axe, "Hm I can work with this". I looked around more and found iron ingots and apples. I also found some wheat but I didn't really know what to do with it. The sun went down and a voice echoed around the village, "The sun's going down, so get some sleep and awake in the morning!". "Uh I guess I'll lay here" I said seeing a bed in the corner. I flopped onto the bed still confused, and the moment my head hit the bed I fell asleep.

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