Ohne Titel Teil172

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The next few days passed without incident, Alvaro and Mia took Isabel out of the clinic and the four made sure that she got plenty of rest. The appointment with the neurologist went very well. The students occupied themselves with their schoolwork during the day and mostly enjoyed their free time.
On Friday they wanted to go to town and on Sunday they should go back. Ramiro had organized everything in such a way that they stayed in his apartment on Monday so that they could take a rest from the flight.
It was weird to be back at school on Tuesday.
Clara immediately rushed to Alvaro and took him in her arms. She took no notice of Mia who was standing right next to him. "Alvaro, I missed you so much, I still have a few tasks, can we look over it later?"
"Hey Clara" said Alvaro und oushed her a bit away from him "I'll look at it later. This is Mia, my girlfriend. You haven't met her yet." Juanma and Zoe exchanged a look. Clara's eyes clouded over for a moment, but she quickly got a grip on herself. "Hello Mia," she said, beaming. "Great to meet you"
There was a moment of silence, which was quickly over when Alejandro entered the room.
"There are all the missing students," he grinned at the group. He went up to Mia and shook her hand. "You have to be Mia? I'm Alex"
Mia smiled at him and squeezed his hand. "Since I've heard a lot from you here in the course, I would like to see a bit of your performance. Would you like to present something?"
"Yes, of course" Mia thought for a moment.
"The duo with Juanma" Ya no mas "" Alex took the decision from her. "That's what I've heard the most about."
She looked at Juanma, who went to the player and started the music. Lupe rolled her eyes and stood next to Agus and Sofie, Clara took advantage of the moment and stood next to Alvaro. Mia saw this and let herself be confused for a moment, but quickly got a grip on herself again. Despite the fact that they haven't sung together for a long time, Juanma and Mia hamoned like always. Every movement fit. Alex was delighted. "Alvaro didn't promise me too much. I agreed in one point with Mercedes. There will be soon a competition. We still have some time until the deadline for registration. I've come up with a plan for building teams and we practice. If I mean, you are good enough I will register you, if you agree? "
The students nodded. "Ok, so let's see then. Lupe you're doing a group performance with Zoe, Agus, Tobi and Simon. You will get the song from me right away."
"Alex" Luoe wanted to interrupt
"No wait, you can say something about it later" said Alex determined and continued: "I want to see Sofie with Lola, the next team is Martina, Olivia, Nico and Fede, then a duo is Clara and Alvaro and finally, of course, Juanma and Mia."
Lupe began again: "Alex, my mother will insist that ..." she didn't get any further because Alex said:
"Your mother and I put the groups and duos together like this, I'm not sure about a few things if will work like she wanted, but we'll try it out now. "
Clara was happy. Alex handed out papers with the music and lyrics and explained a few things. "And boys and girls, I expect you to practice and exercise." with these words he ended the lesson.
Lupe immediately went to Mercedes' office. She ignored Gloria's objection that Mercedes had an important conversation with Ramiro and stormed through the door.
"Mom how could you put me up for a group performance. I should always do a solo" Ramiro and Mercedes both looked up.
"Honey calm down, it's just a try."
"No Alex said it would stay like this if everthing is fine." said Lupe defiantly.
Ramiro said "Lupe, now calm down. Take it as it is now and next time the things may be decided differently." "But that Alvaro works with Clara and Mia with Juanma is right again, right?"
Ramiro looked at Mercedes when the two groups were named, but didn't say anything.
Mercedes said: "Juanma and Mia harmonize very well, even you have to admit that and Clara needs a strong partner and has the most trust in Alvaro" she looked at Ramiro. Then she added, "And if I remember correctly, now you have math."
Lupe grimaced and left the room. Ramiro looked at Mercedes. "Alvaro and Clara?"
"Alex also thought the idea was very good," defended Mercedes.
"But he doesn't know the background either," said Ramiro and thougt for himself to watch Alvaro, Clara and Mia carefully and to talk to Alex about it.
The others were already in class after the workshop, Zoe said quietly to Mia: "It was definitely Mercedes' wish that Alvaro and Clara are a team." Mia nodded, but she had decided for herself that she didn't want to get angry, but would give everything to bring a good performance. "And why I'm in the team with Lupe of all people is a mystery to me," said Zoe. At that moment Lupe entered the room, glared at Zoe and Mia and sat down on her seat.

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