A talk with Juanma 2

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**in the german story this is all in one chapter***

"What did you do this afternoon?" Alvaro asked.

Mia stopped and looked at him. "I met with Juanma in the storageroom. He had asked for it. Alvaro I knew before that Lupe is not Ramiro's daughter. I heard a dispute between him and your mother when I was in the secretariat. I could not talk about that with you, because you were so confused already. I talked to Juanma about it last night and he wanted to meet me again today".

She lowered her eyes. Alvaro raised her chin with her hand so she had to look at him and asked "And then"

Mia said ": Lupe wants him to come to her. Then he told me that he can't stand the situation anymore. But he does not want a distance between him and me either. "

Alvaro said nothing for a moment.

Then he told her, "Mia, first of all, you should know that you can always talk to me about everything. I do not want secrets or unspoken things between us. And Juanma ... he's like me. I can put myself completely in his mind. I would not want a distance either. You have created so many feelings in him. He managed to open up. That makes him vulnerable now. "

Mia hugged him. "That's all so hard"

"I know," replied Alvaro. "If everything calms down then it will be easier. Promised"

Meanwhile, Fede and Nico were in the sheep room with Juanma.

Juanma said nothing and seemed in thoughts. Fede looked at him.

"What do you have at the moment?" He began.

Juanma looked at him and told him about the news in Lupe's family. It would get around anyway.

He avoided the subject of Mia. So Fede asked purposefully, "What about Mia?"

Juanma sighed. He had to talk to someone about it. He told him about the meeting in the storeroom. That Mia had suggested distance, but he didn't want that.

Nico interjected, "but it would make it easier, she's indirectly with Alvaro. You're only torturing yourself, buddy. "

Fede nodded in agreement. "Juanma, you can not go on like that. You withdraw from everything. "" Don't you think I dont know that? But I can not stand not to see her, even if it hurts me. Why don't you understand that? She always understands me. "

"You know that we have an important game before the holidays, right? Are you there? "Nico wanted to know.

"Holidays?" Juanma asked. Oh shit, soon they had two weeks vacation. Mia would certainly fly to her godmother to Spain in this time.

Fede said: "maybe you win a little distance, my friend."

As hard as it would be not to see Mia for two weeks, but Juanma believed fede was right.

He would not get peace until they were at school. His cell phone rang. It was Lupe.

He accepted the conversation and left the room.

Lupe told him about the mood at home. Mercedes is currently very quiet. She wanted to know if they talked about it at school. Then she asked:

"See you tomorrow afternoon?"

Juanma said: "I have to train, we'll have a game soon"

Lupe begged "please Juanma, I need a bit of distraction here. Only for an hour."

Juanma thought for a moment, he immagined that maybe that he would also find out how are her feelings because of Mia and Ramiro and said yes.

He wrote to Mia if they could meet again. He wanted to let her know before she gotit on another way.

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