Juanma and Lupe

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Zoe, Simon and Mia made their way to the city. They talked about many things and had a lot of fun. Mia also managed to forget all thoughts.

Meanwhile, Lupe was dancing in the GO rooms. She saw Juanma passing and called him in.
Juanma went to her. "What are you doing here?" He asked. "Oh, I wanted to dance and you? You look bored. Is Mia not there? "
Juanma wanted to turn around to go back and was just starting to say "Have a nice day", then Lupe turned in "Sorry it was silly, but what's going on with you? Actually, I would have to look so sad because of the fact Mia is now my half sister. "

Juanma did not respond and just said, "Nothing is going on. Yesterday's day is a still little bit in my bones "
"Come on, you know you can talk to me," Lupe urged him. "But I do not want to talk to you about the subject," Juanma replied and started walking again.
Lupe held him down- "Stay ... let's perfoarm a song together or something, come on. Do you know, I miss you? "
Juanma was thinking for a moment-he did not really want to spend time with Lupe. On the other hand, dancing and singing was a welcome distraction. Of course, Lupe chose Yan no mas. They started to sing and Lupe danced very close to Juanma, always looking for body contact. Again, Juanma could not concentrate on the song with Lupe, like when Mia was supposed tom ove to Spaino, he had the moments with her in his mind.
Lupe realized that he was not involved and held him by the hand. "Now tell me what's wrong with you, you can not make it out with yourself forever. It's Mia,right?? "
"Sure it is Mia. But even you can not help me, because I have to go through it alone"
"You know that my mother Alvaro will forbid the relationship with her, don´t you? she said she will never be part of our family!”
"And you know that Alvaro won't accept this, right? Apart from the fact that it makes no sense to forbid something like that. The two are not blood relatives and they love each other. Nobody should break something like this.
Lupe thought for a moment: "And you can just watch this? After all, you left me because of her. Do not tell me you do not wish it would be different."
Juanma did not say anything for a moment. Then he said, "I did not leave you for Mia. I had to end the releationship between us because we only were  fighting. You once saidin a good releationship nothing would be set off against each other. But did you even observe yourself when others havea problem? You listen to this for a moment and then turn to your topics. That's not a relationship.
Mia just showed me that other things besides basketball can be important to me. And you are just jealous. Have you ever put yourself in her position? She lived with her godmother because her mother died and her father was initially unknown. I know what it's like when a parent dies Lupe. But I still have my mother. She left everything to come to this school. your mother and you have always been tryingto make her feel bad.It's not her fault that Ramiro is her father. She did not choose that.
And if I got that right, Ramiro did not know that either. Can you imaginehow they both feel? "
Lupe had tried several times to interruped but Juanma had not allowed it. Now that he said nothing, she looked at him. He looked tired and sad. She did not want to argue with him. She took his hand and said nothing.
He pulled his hand away and looked down. "I have to look after Nico and Fede now"
"Wait," said Lupe "let's talk about it another time. Even for me, the things are still very fresh and I have to handle everything. But Juanma, ifyou want to talk about something, come to me if you want, I've told you before.
Juanma smiled a little and said, "Ok, but you know me. Some things I have to make out with me alone ""
"Do you have any more stress with my brother?" Lupe wanted to know.
" Honestly? At the moment we get along well, very strange in the situation. But for both of us, it's important not to hurt Mia. "

At the words Lupe grimaced, but said nothing. She gave Juanmas hand a quick Sqeeze before saying "See you later".

He left the Go rooms lost in thought. That he wanted to search Nico and Fede was a lie. He urgently needed a place where he could be alone-

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