The hollidays are over

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The next morning Ramiro, Alvaro and Mia decided to go shopping again in Buenos Aires and then Alvaro would return home.

The day had been long and exhausting and in the evening there was a light dinner, then Mia and Alvaro had to say goodbye.

Both were clearly sad.

Alvaro asked, "Has juanma contacted you yet?" And Mia told him about the short correspondence. "Yeah, that's obvious that's hard for him, it will not be easy for me this week too. If you feel he's feeling too bad, then meet him. I hope you do that to me too", he said with a half grin.

So he got in the car and was gone,

Ramiro was waiting for her in the living room." But you got along well Alvaro and you, don't you"he greeted her.

"Yes and that's my problem "What do you mean" Ramiro said. She decided to be completely honest and told him about the time with Juanma in the hospital and the conversation she had with Alvaro yesterday. Also that she actually did not want a relationship at the moment. And she was not sure of that either. But she told of the fear she had because she was still rejected by Lupe and Mercedes.

Ramiro listens very attentively. Then he said: "That's a difficult situation. So first to Mercedes and Lupe. You're not blood relatives with either Lupe or Alvaro, nor are I. That means nobody can talk you into a relationship. And Alvaro will not let Mercedes forbid it, you can be sure of that. And here to my place you can always come together."

That thing with Alvaro and Juanma is already more difficult. They are both great guys, everyone with their strengths and weaknesses, and in the feeling they have much inin common. I think the idea of ​​having a break to clear your mind is very good, but I doubt one week will be enough."Mia sighs. Ramiro continued, "You should really try to listen to your heart. And if your heart tells you that you do not want either of them right now, then take it that way. But be honest with both. "

Mia was glad she could talk to Ramiro about these things. She was tired and told Ramiro good night.

In her room they were expecting two messages on her cell. Alvaro wrote: "Arrived at home. It was really nice with you and I miss you already. "

Juanma had written, "Sorry that I'm annoying you. But I miss you. I can not wait for school to start again. "

Mia groaned.Maybe she should just give her phone to Ramiro.

She writes back to Alvaro: "You sleep well too, good night"

She wrote to Juanma: "I know, but please do not make it so hard for me. I need a little rest. "

The next week she saw neither Alvaro nor Juanma, she met with Gaspar twice and once with Zoe, the rest of the time she spent with Ramiro. She answered Juanma and Alvaro only once in the evening and often left her cell phone in her room.

The Sunday when everyone had to go back to school came way too fast.

Zoe and Mia unpacked everything and set themselves up again. When it was time to eat, Mia became quiet.

"Come on ," said Zoe, "otherwise there is nothing left." "I do not feel like going downstairs," Mia answered. "Because of Juanma and Alvaro, right," Mhm, Mia returned.

"Come on, "Zoe pulled on her arm." You can not stay out of the way forever. "

Mia sat down with Simon and Zoe. Juanma and Alvaro sat with the basketball players. Mia tried not to look at them.

After the meal, they cleared the table and Mia wanted to go back to the room. Suddenly Juanma stood in front of her: "Mia can we talk?" He asked.

"Sure," said Mia, although she did not really want to. "Come out with me," Juanma said.

Outside, he led her to a bench and they sat down. "How were your holidays ?" He asked.

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