Ohne Titel Teil179

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After school the next day everyone met in the cafeteria. Mia groaned because preparing for the math test was going to be difficult. She'd totally forgotten about the test in everything that had happened lately.

Juanma was good at maths, but was later invited to Mercedes. Alvaro had bought beautiful flowers for Mercedes during the lunch break. He and Juanma soon had to change clothes to drive home to Mercedes.

Mia had her maths things in front of her and Juanma tried to explain a few things to her.
when he had to leave, Simon took over to help. But since he had difficulties in math himself, they called Rulo for help, who was very good in math as a technology specialist. Juanma and Alvaro came down the stairs completely dressed and Juanma was just saying to Alvaro "It's good that Simon had the idea with Rulo, I wouldn't have thought of it, but he can can help her for sure."
Lupe was waiting and they could start right away.

Mercedes opened the door for the three of them and Alvaro and Lupe took their mother in their arms to congratulate her. Lupe had made a great photo collage for her, with lots of great pictures from Alvaros and her childhood. Florenzia was already there and greeted the three enthusiastically. The food was as good as ready and soon they could eat.

"Did I actually already tell you about my new idea,"  asked Mercedes suddenly.

"No," said Lupe and everyone looked at Mercedes questioningly. "It's been a lot going on lately. And I thought we'd be planning a camping trip from school. A long weekend. Alvaro's class will begin.

"A camping trip" said Lupe and grimaced, "Mom, that's not cool"

"I think that could be cool," said Florenzia. "You are too busy with your school supplies and training. A little bit of nature can only do you good"

"Well, it's not our turn yet, if the class from Alvaro will begin," said Lupe to Juanma.

Alvaro and Juanma didn't say anything at first. Lupe then said: "Clara will be happy, then she will have Alvaro all to herself." Florenzia looked around and Alvaro dropped his knife on his plate when Mercedes said "Yes, an excursion like this promotes relationships."

"Mama there will be no relationship between Clara and me, I only help her at the beginning"

"Your mother definitely means the class community," said Floenzia.

"I thought it was something different than school. Of course I have to ask all parents first and see who accompanies Marcello as a supervisor"

"Marcello?" asks Florenzia.

"Yes, as a trainer, he is the best choice for sporting activities there. And it's just a long weekend."

Everyone had finished their plates by now. Alvaro then said "Mama we have to go back to school, it's getting late."

"Of course, my darling" said Mercedes and the three said goodbye to Florenzia and Mercedes Florenzia said at her goodbye to Alvaro: "I told Juanma, you can too spend a weekend with the girls again at my house. "Mercedes and Lupe looked at each other in annoyance.

Florenzia stayed a little longer and helped Mercedes clean up the kitchen. "You're not seriously thinking of bringing Alvaro and Clara together, are you?"

"Why not. Clara originally comes from a very good family. However, her parents were killed in an accident. The first foster family tried to get the money. But that has only now been discovered why it is even possible that she is in our school "
"It doesn't matter what kind of family she comes from. It's important that Alvaro loves Mia. And she loves him."
"Alvaro will understand that Clara is the better choice."
"Mercedes, you can't be serious."
Mercedes sat at the table. "Do you know what it means to always have the girl in mind thathad destroyed your marriage? Under what circumstances she was born in the first place?"
"Lupe was born in the same time under the same circumstances .." started Florenzia
Mercedes interrupted her. "But that was with my ex-husband and bot with some woman you met somewhere."
"I don't know what's worse," said Florenzia, "but one thing is for sure, the children mustn't suffer from the mistakes that the adults have made. Not Alvaro, not Mia, not Lupe."
"How do you see the separation between Juanma and Lupe? Lupe also suffered ..."
"Yes, but that's the way things are. You experienced that, I experienced that. It had nothing to do with our mistakes. "
When Mercedes didn't say anything for a while, Florenzia said: "You should try to see Mia a bit more objectively. She has done so much for Juanma and is also doing Alvaro very well."

"But because of her, the relationship between Juanma and Lupe fell apart and then she left Juanma and opted for Alvaro." Florenzia thought for a moment. It was indeed a difficult time for Juanma. It wasn't because of the separation from Lupe, but because of the feelings towards Mia. Nevertheless, Mia had managed to always be there for Juanma despite her decision for Alvaro. And a great friendship had developed between the four. "but the friendship between the two und also between the fore ist worth so much," she said finally.
She saw that Mercedes couldn't be convinced at the moment, but still hoped that she would think about it. "I just wanted to tell you what I think. But it's your birthday, let's have another glass of wine and then I'll tell Marcello that he can come to get to me before it's too late." She gave Mercedes hand a short squeeze and filled the glasses again

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