nonstop moving

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I've been in Italy for two weeks. Monday thru Friday we wake at 6 am.. and kammie insist we work out at the gym in our building. We arrive at the class we came here for at 8 am . We stay at the class till 2pm .. we have a two hour break . We have to be at the restaurant to work at 4:15.. pm and we leave there 10pm .. Saturday day we work at the restaurant from 10am till 2pm . Sunday is laundry and clean apartment day for me ..cuz these girls are nasty .. it's Saturday and I'm headed to work , I'm thinking about the desperate text I sent Jay last night. I finally caved and text him. Me: hey . Jay: no . And well that was that .. I didn't text back . I called and talk to sissy and Tam .. I miss them already .. I thought I'd last longer .but I'm stupid I guess. . While I'm cleaning tables kammie Says hey I was talking to recardo over there who is hella fine about a tattoo shop not far from here , I wanna get a tat come with me !! OK sure say .. we clean up all of our station and go to the apartment to change and clean up .. I haven't been anywhere fun sense I been here .. this could be so fun.. when we arrive at the tat shop .it's nice like real nice leather furniture. And a huge TV on the wall ... and a fish tank .. we look threw some very nice books of tats .. I see one I fall in love with. It's so gorgeous! ! I have to have it . It's really expensive. I'll starve this week I tell kammie I have to have it but I can't afford it ... we are going on and on about it ..when a man says u can afford it. ..I look back at him and I throw my arms around his neck I'm holding him so dam tight and I feel emotional. I can't take my head out of his neck .. he says hey sweetheart .. I look up at him in complete and utter shock that he's here , like how . I must look so confused to him .. he says what are u doing here ? I say what are you doing here ? He smiles so dam big !! He says my grandparents live here and my brother wanted to move here to start his business. .and he waves his arm around. Ur brother is a tat artist . Yes he is now .. he's been doing them for a very long time just not in a shop till now .. I look up in MATT face and it's like seeing a very long lost friend. He looks so good . And healthy and happy . Uber happy . And I feel Uber happy now . Kammie says wow matt. What the hell. I look at her and she smiles.. he takes the pic out if my hand. He says let me show u an up dated version of this .. he went behind the counter and brings me a pic's stunning. It's the tat actually on a female .. but added shine to it . It's what I want. . I tell matt. He says have a seat beautiful. I sit with kammie and she's still hasn't Seen the one .. she wants a fun sugar skull. About 29 mins later Matt says Melanie come on baby . I walk back to a room with many tools and ink tubs. It's all very professional. And super clean .. a must .. Matt says Melanie this is my brother we both say we've met at the same time .. I shake his hand. He says this what u want .. yes Sir.. but the cost ? Matt says we got the cost don't worry its on me .. that tat is $209 I can't let you do that .. Matt walks up to me very close to my ear and whispers drop Ur pants baby ..uwmm . His brother says I'm very professional I promise I won't tho k about anything but the tat well till u leave .. I laugh .. I walk up on Matt and say I need to pee first .. he says come on he takes me to a bathroom in the very back of the building . I see a room off to the side with. A bed ..wth? But in keep going . I pee and wash my hands which are sweating .. when I walk out Matt is holding up the wall. He says u OK ? No . I'm scared .. he says it's not so bad .I know he has tats. He says u want me to stay with you . ? Yes .please if u can ? He laughs at me cuz I'm scared as hell.

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