Doc to Doc

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Monday Morning! We have to go to the doc's today. McKenna's first doc visit .. and my check up . I've picked out clothes for me and McKenna. She will be so cute !! Her outfit is. A jumper suit it's bright orange and white fat stripes , white shirt under it. The socks match. And the headband goes with it , the headband has a flower on it. She will be so so cute .. I got her orange binky and the pink and orange bottles ready .. I've packed her diaper bag . Jay took a shower first and has gotten ready . He looks so freaking my hormones are like frazzled sizzling live wires... ugh. Jay is feeding McKenna when I get in the shower .. ugh. I have an outfit picked out but not so sure I can wear it .. I haven't tried old clothes on yet .. I washed it last night ..but it may have to go back in the closet till I lose more. It's getting some what warmer outside. I picked out some of my more baggy jeans .. a white blouse ..and white flats .. a pretty silk scarf. I walk out the bathroom and Jay says I can't get her to burp. I sit down on the bed and take McKenna and pat her she's a sleep .. she may not burp. Jay says I'm sry I was gonna let u get ready. I just don't know know why she hasn't burped she usually does .. I smile. Jay it's OK really. . I hear her burp a tiny one. And I hand her back .. Jay is walking around with her. He's so super sexy being a daddy. He says what? I say it's sexy .. he gives me this strange look ... I shrug .. an hour later I'm ready. I've gotten in said jeans they fit .and not cutting me in half. . I've done my make up and twisted my hair up in a clip.. now I have to give my daughter a bath.. we put a towel in the sink and Jay is holding her while I bath her and wash her hair . I rinse her with the sprayer.. Jay laughs . She is sleeping. She could care less that mommy wants her sparkling clean when she sees the doc. Today .. another hour later and we are ready to go out the door ..I sit in the back with McKenna and Jay finds this odd. Oh well.. we arrive at my doc office and dr.homsi is over the moon about McKenna ! He has two hallways full of pics of all the baby's he's delivered ..and his nurse wants to take one of McKenna. We allow it . When we leave doc has strict orders no sex for at least another 4 weeks. And has told me to stay on prenatal vitamins till then has said I'm very slightly dehydrated and low iron . So I get to add iron pills and water .. thanks I tell doc and we leave.. Jay says we have two hours before we have to be at her doc.. u wanna eat . I say yes . We stop at Panera bread and eat well.. I feed McKenna and change her diaper ..we arrive at the pediatrician office .it's so adorable really catered to kids of all ages. I love it here .. huge fish tank that looks like nemo. When we are called back they weigh her check her height measure her head and belly when dr. Lana cokes in she's so excited she loves her job !! U can tell. She takes McKenna immediately and is hugging her this is awesome. .she says Melanie she looks awesome! She's so cute. Her color is great. She's gained weight . She's very good. .. yes ! I'm so glad I can breath now. I'm not doing anything wrong ! OK we can go home and sleep .. on our way home Jay says u wanna stop by and see zare .. I say sure . We walk in zare house and mark says lemme see this beauty queen.. he's such a huge man .. my daughter looks like a mini doll in his arms. I laugh . Mark says I'm ur favorite uncle .. remember. . I laugh ..Jay says u know u will be. Zare says I need to hold her and mark says back up woman I gave u one .. we all laugh zare says cone on we walk in her room . She shut the door. She says I need to talk to u .. she looks serious... I say OK .. she says Matt came over here yesterday. . I look up like OK .. she says he asked how u were after having ur baby ... I say hmmm. That's odd. I can't tell her he text me . She says he was acting like it was no big deal ..but Mel .. it was ! She's whispering in a high pitch fashion. I laugh . I say zare calm down. It's nothing.

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