vacation from vacation

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Four days later we decided to take a break today we are staying at the house .. no theme parks today. But there is a pool out back and we are gonna grill up some steaks . It's noon we all slept in today well except Tam. She's been so busy with Abby . Tam stands at the counter Making yet another bottle . She looks exhausted. I'm kinda disappointed in Sam .. he should help her more . Jay takes Abby more then Sam does . As I walk past Tam to the frig she looks at me like she wants to cry . Abby starts crying again. Tam just looks toward the living room where Abby is in her bounce seat and closes her eyes . I take the bottle and tell Tam go to bed. I got her. I'm feeding Abby when Jay walks in with Kenna .. he smiles at me as I have a burp cloth over my shoulder and I'm holding the bottle in Abbys mouth. She wide eyed baby right now. .. Jay is making the girls some cereal and him self .. he says have u eat baby to me . I say no. I'm OK. I'm gonna keep Abby today Tammie needs sleep . He smiles and brings me some grapes .. Chloe ,kenna,sissy , and Sam sit at the table and eat ..Jay is sitting next to me .. I look at Jay he knows I'm annoyed with Sam .. but at least he did get up with chloe.. we all talked it over last night to take this day off. I wanted to let the girls swim but I can't take Abby outside and watch her and the two other Lil ones. I'm one person. .. and I want Jay to relax today too. After I've cleaned Abby up I sit her in her swing and turn on the TV I sit her in front of it. She's cont. I ask Jay to watch her so I can get the girls ready for the day .. yeah I'm gonna attempt to give all three girls a shower and get them dressed before Abby gets going again . I'm looking at these three beautiful girls clean and dressed .. shoes on .hair done . As Abby is getting fussy again. I tell the girls to sit and play toys while I change Abby. I've cleaned Abby up gave her a bath in the kitchen sink .. she's dressed up so cute .. I haven't seen Sam in a few hours . That boy has piss me off !!! Here we are all working together to help each other with the kids. And he's mia..most of the time .. ugh..I feed Abby her bottle ..the girls are playing so sweetly. ..Jay puts a movie on for them and they sit and play while watching tinker bell. When Abby is sleeping. I tell Jay I'd like to shower and get dressed . We have to go grocery shopping . He says of course while he's kissing my cheek. Jay has been so sweet this whole trip. We haven't fussed once. Which is strange . We usually fuss. . We love each other .but no two people can get along all the time. I feel a Lil tired as I'm taking my shower .. 4 kids !!! Exhaustion .. but I know my Tam needed this day off. I'll be fine . When I'm getting dressed Tammie walks in she's been a sleep just 4 hours .. I look at her like what are you doing .. she says thanks girl . I feel better . I tell her go back to bed .. I got this .we are gonna go grocery shopping I'll take the kids with me .. she says no I'll keep them you go .. she says I'm better now .. I look at her ..she says I'm serious . I feel better . OK . She says I'm gonna go watch them .. she walks out the room. I get dressed and put in my shoes ... Jay walks in ..he says wow u look good . I smile ..thank you. . I say . He says I'll get my shower now so we can go grocery shopping. No. Jay you lay down and rest. I'm gonna take Sam .ive gotta talk to him. .he's gotta do better. He don't help Tam at all. And I'm not sure why. .. but I'm over it. Jay gives me the look don't . I say oh I am ..he's lays down on the bed and turns on the TV . He's covering up and getting comfortable. This makes me happy .I want him well rested .. a tired Jay is a very grumpy Jay . He smiles up at me . I kiss him a few times.. bye baby. Bye boo.

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