Girls girls girls.

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The gender party ! We have a good 40 people here.. not bad. Jay is laid up outside foot propped up milking it for all the attention he can get .. I pamper him .. he keeps saying baby I was pose to pamper u today. I told him u can at the babies shower lol. He says ok in his sad face .. poor hubby wow. Kenna says she want to open the big box. The one with the balloons will they be pink or blue ??? The party theme and colors are yellow.. neutral.. but still very nice gotta love zare. She should have been a party planner. Mark walks over to me and says how are u girl. And rubs my tummy. I say we are good. I look 9 mom's in this jumper suit. It fits well. But very nice looking. Tammie has help me get ready and did my hair.. we are having newks catered .. so good. They are serving the food now at a huge table.. zare says sit with ur hubby and child I'll get ur food. OK. I finally sit down for a min.. ahhhhhh. My feet swell so bad. Jay wants me to stop working now. But I can't we have way too many things to pay for. .. they started on the nursery. We have a slab and a few wood planks down. I think I know nothing about it. Just want it to be over with. Babies out. Nursery done. And so pretty. An hour later. I Rip the tape off the box and 2 pink Balloons float out. Yes we are having idententical twin girls. .. everyone want to know there names. Nope. We don't have any yet. ... everyone is so happy. Rick says pink paint ? I say I don't know yet. I'm still deciding... he smiles. I love this one set its brown and pink it's so beautiful but I've seen so many. I've got like 20 saved. Lol. Later that night. After everyone left. I'm cleaning up. Jay is in my chair. Moaning about having to go pee. Poor dude. I love him. Sexy beast even when he's in pain... he hopped all the way down the hall ... I laughed. He says stop laughing at me. Imma laugh while ur in labor. ... I give him the look. ... he's back in the chair and breathing very hard. It took a lot for this big guy to hop to the bathroom. But it was so much fun to watch. I bring him a dr.pepper and two bottles of water. Lmao !!! Just one more show tonight please. .. it's really late and I'm feel so very sleepy.
Jay says come here baby. I sit in Jay's lap. He's rubbing my back and asking how we are doing. I rub my tummy and says I can feel them moving now. .. he says I can't wait to feel them .. he leans in to my face and whispers. I wanna feel there mommy right now. .. I smile... as Jay pulls me up to him and throws the blanket over us. He's put his hand there and started. I lay my head. Way back off the side of our chair. And I feel it. It's like so close. Jay pulls back. I look up at my man like ummm. He says baby u can't do that. ... umm.. why not. He whispers I promise when they are out I'll make up for it. I put my sad lip out. Jay says baby please don't. He's being so Uber sexy. I want him so bad. I push his hand in. He starts and try really hard to act like I'm not close ... he keeps going. It's working. Be cool melanie. I keep telling myself. Oh wow. I'm so there.... and bam it hit me like a wrecking ball my head was bouncing off the chair arm. Jay leans close to my ear and whispers ur not slick... I say wow. Yes !! He says I love you baby. I say come to bed and show me. Please. .... he says u want me to hop to our bed then be able to make love to u. .. I stand up. Take off my clothes. And straddle my husband. He says baby u can't. I push him in. I move slow but yes this is gonna work ... when we both feel much better ... I stand. My legs feel like jello and my stomach is cramping. I get worried. So I call my sister .. she says it might not be any thing. Just lay down and relax. Jay and I go to bed .. a few hours later I wake and I'm still cramping. I'm scared. I wake Jay up. He says what's wrong baby. I say I'm cramping. He says get up we are going to the hospital now. I call Tammie she comes to sit with Kenna. We arrive at the hospital and I explain very shyly to the doc what happen. They exam me and do an ultrasound.. all while explain to me and my husband that orgasm do cause uterine contractions. And can be pain full when ur oh so very pregnant... they can't find any problems at all they have test every thing on Me. ... three docs have seen me and agree. No more orgasms till 6 weeks after the babies are born. They also want me to take off work. At this point they want me to try to slow down a Lil bit. They say the babies are head down in perfect position for v birth .. which I have been so worried about. I do not want a c section. So we leave there very happy parents. .. Jay says let's eat. .. we stop at waffle house and eat breakfast ... we talk for three hours. And laugh. We needed us time ... when we leave there it's now 8 am. Jay says come on my baby momma let's get u home and put ur feet up. I laugh. Ur too I say. When we are in the car. Jay says my ankle has been throbbing so dam bad. But I had to take care of u. .. I reach over and kiss my sexy husband. While we are driving. I tell Jay. You have to stop being so sexy. He laughs. I mean it. If I can't have sex then u gotta turn that shit off. .. he laughs and says ok. I'll try. .. we both laugh. When we get home. Kenna is awake and saying mommy. Where we're u ? Daddy was u gone too. We sit and take Kenna in our arms. We say we had to go check on the babies. Kenna says can u take them out now please. We laugh. No not yet they have 3 mons ... Kenna says there in jail Bart....... we laugh. Tammie says she has been on it all morning. Tammie says I made breakfast. Some eggs toast sausage and muffins. Awwwww thanks my boo. She serves me and Jay. We just ate. Not even 30 mins ago. Yet Jay is eating. Wow. .. I set my plate down and try to feed it to Kenna. She says I ate mommy. I say come on Kenna eat this. A Lil bit. She says no feed it to ur other babies. Jay has his O face on. .. I say ok ... I eat the muffin. Tammie says my kids are with Sam and his brother for two more days. So I can stay and help yeah if u want me to. I say yes please. I tell her what all the doc said. She says relax. I'll keep up with the house and Kenna. OK. Jay is a sleep in the chair I lay on the couch .. we slept for 6 hours ... I wake to hear Jay hopping out the chair he's gotta pee. I sit up look around. There is a note on the table. Hey Mel. I took Ken to the store with me u needed milk and apple juice. And a few other things. Imma pick up a big box of tops bar b q ... on way back. Text me if u need any thing.

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