long sad days

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I didn't know this but grandpa wanted to be buried here in this town so him passing here was his wish . Maybe it's why he wanted to come here. I don't know. But the funeral is today . I've made breakfast for everyone and gotten ready we have to leave in a few minutes , Jay walks out the bathroom and he looks so good. Wow. My man cleans up real nice . His face is still so mornful he's sad I am too.
The service was beautiful. The family and friends this man had. Massive amount. He was loved. Looking around the cabin now filled with so many people I spot Jay. He's sitting on the floor holding his head. He looks so broken . He smiled at people when they talk to him but I knew these smiles were fake. The family knew Jay was taking this hard . But I know Jay and I know that this is killing him . I don't know what to do for him. That's the worst part for me. I loved grandpa so much and I'm beyond sad. But knowing I can't help Jay is worse . We all stand around and talk and eat the food catered for us .. everyone in black and white. There is no color today. The day was rainy and weird looking outside too. After a few hours people started to leave. I know I have to pack tonight as we are heading home tomorrow. .I walk over to Jay and he looks up at me. I say come on u have to eat something. He looks at me in such a sad way. He stands up off the floor and takes my hand . We walk to the kitchen island and I make Jay a plate .. he sits down next to Bea and starts figiting with his food. Not really eating it. I know he's gone because Jay can eat very large amounts of food. I tell him eat . He looks at me and puts the food in his mouth . Bea says Jay I love you boy but you have to take care of ur self and this beautiful woman and your baby girl . So be sad .but get back to us real soon. We all need you. She hugs him tight and says bye to me with a hug. Everyone has told Jay they love him and he's said it back a few times . I know that Jay is very much loved by his family and friends this warms my heart. I know our daughter will be loved . She will have a big family. I never really had a big family. So I'm glad that McKenna will . I see someone at the front door. Getting ready to knock I walk out from behind the island and head toward the door. When I realize who it is . Wow its Ty . Jays best friend . I open the door and he says hey beautiful in a sad way. I hug him tight . He walks over to Jay and hugs him it's so sweet to see them back together. Ty moved out of town a while back. His family issues had become to much for him. I know Jay missed him. But they kept in touch. And now he has traveled all this way to be here for Jay . Heart is melting .. Tammie has been gone for a few hours now I should go find my friend . She's in this house some where . I look in almost every room. I wonder if she's up stairs. I climb each step one by one. .. when I reach the top . I remember I could have just text her .. ugh oh well I'm here now. I open the door to the bedroom and ....
I see Sam and Tam doing the tango for two .. but naked rodeo !!! Full on too. I got to see way more then I bargin for . Seeing as I was half way in the room before my brain excepted what I was seeing. I just bust out laughing. No u don't get it. I was laughing so hard I think I was heard threw out the house . This is just not happening! My two very best friends are having sex. Tammie has her face hid now and Sam is smiling way to hard . I say. I'm ummmm. I'm sry. I'm so sry I'll go now ... I leave the room and have to hold on to the rail on the way down the steps. Wow I've really gotta knock more. As I'm walking back threw the living room area I see Jay and Ty talking they are sitting at the island. I decided to let them have there time . I'll go start the packing process . An hour later Jay walks in the room he says hey baby. Ty and I are gonna shoot some pool . I'll be back a Lil later .. I hug him tight tell him I love him. He says you and McKenna might need a nap . I smile . He kisses my belly and says I love you baby girl . He kisses my lips a few more times and says I love you Melanie. After he left Tammie walks in my room we laugh . She says I was trying to tell u . But then everything happen. I say it's OK Tammie. Yall are grown ups it's all good. She says I think I'm in love with him.... OK now this is a big deal.

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