shopping bliss

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Two hours later Jay has me taking a break I'm eating a pronto pup and drinking the coconut pineapple drink we got last time .. so good!! If Jay hands me that water bottle one more time I'll beat him with the full one in his other hand I swear . I'm full and content .. Bea says we have to do makeup allie... I say yes . Jay says can I trust u to watch and take care of my everything for a Lil bit ..Bea ? She says hunny. I'd fight a bear for this lady . Jay says good to know .. he laughs . I look at him. He says I have to pee and I need to find something for grandpa .. I say OK. He kisses me and rubs my belly. .. he says no more junk food u two .. he's smiling so much today .. Jay has 3 big bags of clothes we bought for our daughter at the organic baby booth. Such adorable stuff and Bea bought a tutu ..and some shoes.. and socks. Lots of socks .. I love Bea !! We stop at this one booth of woman's clothes . I see a dress I love . It's a stretch material I think I could wear that for now . It's a summer dress . But looks like something u could wear to a black tie event .. if u pare it with some nice jewelry. . Big necklace . And some cute sandles it's white with pin stripes of silver .. I look at the tag is $39 ... it's not a bad price .. I Just need it for some reason .. I'm not even sure why but yeah I'm going for it .. it's still fairly warm outside .. I could wear it now. And then after I have my Lil turtle .. I pull out my card .. I take the dress up to the lady .she is this all for u hun. ? Yes ma'am. I say she says I have the best shoe. . We walk over and yes this the best shoe . It's silver flat with straps on top .. she says both for $50. I say deal. She rings it up as Bea is saying Mel .. I look and she's holding the cutest white lamb I've ever seen in my life . It's huge .. I love it. I shake my head yes as tears come to my eyes on that moment I knew what Lil turtles room theme was gonna be ... she says we will take it. She bought it. I cry. Bea says she so hormonal! ! How do u deal with it .. as Jay is walking up . I look up at Jay with the lamb he's smiling hard he pulls me in his arms and say ur a sap . I shake my head yes .. .. he says u did this bea.. she says it wasnt my penis. We laugh . Jay OK we will blame him .. we laugh. We walk around and shop1 for a while longer Jay is holding 30 bags. I have 7 small bags of samples .and Bea has like 30 bags to . We get to the truck .. and Jay is loading all this up . Bea Says I'll see u tomorrow hun... I say yes . Come see me tomorrow. . She is rubbing my back she's says no one could keep me away . She hugs Jay. By daddy ! He smiles .we get back to the cabin ..Jay brings all the bags into our bedroom . He says we need a nap baby .. I am already laying in the bed .. Jay laughs .. I get Uber comfortable and I'm out .
When I wake Jay is still sleeping his face to my belly and I hear his rattle .. he's sleeping good , I just stare at his face so close to my belly he loves her so much . He picked out several outfits for her today . I'm surprised he has awesome taste in baby clothes . But he did by a lot of sleepers he said she will love to be comfortable like her momma .. I have several onesies. I love them ! And today I got a few onsies for my baby girl.. most of them have cute lil saying on them. One of them says daddy did my hair .. I had to have it .. one says mommy's mini me .. we got so much stuff I wanna sit and look at everything again. I know I have to get all the important stuff soon too ,a car seat, stroller, crib, swing, play pen , bassinet , bottles, binkies ,blankets ,diaper bag, diapers , wipes, wow babies need so much stuff I hope I have a big baby shower and receive a good amount .. lol. I've gotten up and peed.. and I'm headed to the kitchen when I see Maria talking to my mom. They are laughing. .. I smile and head over to the kitchen area I see so much fruit that I know Maria must have gone to the market today too , but I didn't see her .. she's made a fruit salad too. It's in the frig when I lean in to grab a lemonade. Maria walks in and says u want fruit salad. I shake my head yes .and smile she puts some in a bowl and places it in front of me and a bottled water . I look up at her .she says u no pass out on me ... I laugh .. these people have gotta stop ! And Jay too.

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