be prepared

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I'm looking around McKenna bedroom. Thinking hard .what else do I need to do. I've washed all of her clothes and hung them up put all the non hang up in the dresser . I've made her bed . I've washed all the blankets they are folded on the shelf . I've cleaned her room ten times . I've made the cradle up with sheets and blankets . The cradle sits in the living room with the swing. And another changing table that Jay and Rick made. It's nice .I've got diaper and a wide warmer on it . And extra blankets under it .. it's a huge diapering station in my living room. And short for me. All the other ones we found were too tall for me . So they made me one it's awesome . I've washed all her bottles and pacifiers . I've put together the diaper bag and my hospital bag. Zare is coming over in a few to help me figure out what I've forgotten. . I get a shower and get dressed . I'm so big at this point I just wanna sit in my very very comfortable puff recliner rocker and watch tv. This thing is the cloud of heaven chair. It's so puffy and fluffy . I love it. And it's right next to the baby wall as we call it now .. so when I'm rocking my Lil one I'll be right next to everything she will need . I have a big side table here that has her bottle warmer on it and can hold all my stuff.. I'm sitting in said perfect chair having a bottle of water when Zare knocks on the door. Ugh I yell hang on I'll be there in a few minutes. . I get to the door and Zare is laughing. . She says Omg you are so dam cute I laugh at her .. I'm wearing my dark gray maternity leggings white socks with gray bootie socks too ..I've got on a gray and white sleeveless shirt that has those like elastic stretchy things to keep the shirt a Lil more tight fitted on each side .. so my belly looks like a beach ball perfectly round .. I'm comfortable except well I'm having trouble getting off the chair couch bed . Anything I actually have to make my self stand from... my ankles are so swollen my face and hands and feet . Yep I look like I'm allergic to my baby . And everyone says awwww ur so dam cute. no I'm not. . I can't breath I have tiny feet in my lungs. And I have to pee AGAIN!!!! If I burst into tears one more time ... I've put on deodorant 6 times a day now for the last month because I swear I'm sweating like a pig !! Ugh baby can't u just let go of my body already. I need you to come out of me already .I need to see your beautiful face .. and we'll mommy wants her old face back the one daddy said was gorgeous. . Now he just pinch my cheeks and says ur the cutest Lil momma ever.. but still will not have sex with me !!! Ugh. Zare has her own notebook in hand we sit down me in my comfy chair .. and we go over every single detail. . One by one .. I've done everything right. Just got a small list if stuff to add to my hospital bag. Like socks and Chap stick .. she says she will go get this stuff for me tomorrow cuz my very over protective husband refuses to let me drive .. he says I can't reach the peddles any more. Ugh. I tell Zare I wanna be normal again. She says that's when u know it's time .. I tell her I cleaned house all day and cleaned my baby's room and I did everything I needed to do I got a all the laundry done . I've put dinner in the crock pot .. she says ur nesting. Awwww. I look at her very seriously and say ...I'm not a bird. ..she laughs so hard .. no but when a woman has a sudden burst of energy and she is doing all she can to prepare her home and her self for having a baby .. they call it nesting .. oh OK .. well I guess that's the stage I'm at now .. she says it's the final stage .. I look scared.. she says well hunny ur ready. Everything looks good. All in the right places . You got this ! McKenna is one lucky girl I think to myself. Zare hugs me and leaves . I lock the wrought iron door behind her but open the slide up glass. It's hot. It's 60 degrees outside .. so it's OK. But for me to have my own heater built right in . I'm hot . I walk to my kitchen and check on the roast .. it's done .and smells so good . I've got rolls the size of my head to go with it.. and a gallon of sweet tea.. I bought a huge fan for my lichen counter and Rick said him and Jay are gonna put in a ceiling fan. ... I Need air to move .. I turn on the fan on the counter top. I stand in front of it.. I see Jay walking up to the door ..

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