can't out run him. I can't even out walk a snail

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I wake up Sunday morning to my entire house full of boxes. Baby bliss I have to cook some breakfast my Kenna will be up very soon . Tammie has moved in to our guest room with her girls. Till I can handle the babies on my own. Lol. Maybe 6 yrs... lol. And she here now so she can help with Kenna and be here incase I go in labor at night .. to keep Kenna we have most basses covered or so we think ... after I make breakfast everyone is awake and we eat ... Tammie will take the girls to the park so Jay and I can get all this in place. Jay says so he can. He wants me to sit. I can't sit. I woke up feeling very energetic and I want to get things done today. Jay has his fear face on ... he's terrified I'm gonna go in labor any min. I'm hoping I will. I've packed my hospital bag 4 weeks ago. And I have both babies bags packed. And I even packed Jay a bag. ... we are prepared !!! And I sing the Disney song be prepared!! I beg my husband to please chill. He does. He's putting both swings together. I'm washing all the new clothes and blankets !! So many blankets. Rick built two large shelves in the wall in the nursery.. they have a massive walk in closet. . And most of the racks are full lol. They will be tonight .. there is two large dressers Rick took Kenna's old changing table and zares and painted them and fix them back up. So I have those two in my living room. It's all good. We have a large table between the two changing tables set up with two bottles warmers two wipe warmers. Wow. It's gonna be so hard on me. .. 4 hours later I'm laid back in my chair snoozing .. Jay is still working super hard. He's put together all the stuff swings bounce seats mobiles cleaned all the air purifiers cleaned the play room and Kenna's room. He's folding laundry when I wake up. It's dark outside. I ask Jay where is everyone while I'm trying desperately to sit this chair up. My husband is laughing at me. He finally walks over and helps me out this chair .. I stand and walk to Kenna's room where Tammie and all the girls are playing bingo ... I smile. Thanks girl. She says I folded all the blankets I put them in the crib. I didn't know where u wanted them. She tells the girls play nice. As we walk out we get to the girls nursery and I tell her I wanted to roll the blankets and line them on the bottom shelf or two. Lol. I want the receiving blanket on the bottom shelf of the changing tables in the living room. We stand there and roll blankets she bends down on the floor to place them cuz I'd never get up if I got down there.. we laugh. Jay walks in and say hey baby. What do u want for dinner ? I say salad .. he says do we have everything I say yes. He says ok I'll make it. Thanks hunny. He smiles and kisses my cheeks and eyes. I hug him. .. an hour later we all sit down and have chef salad for dinner so good. Jay is glad I'm eating healthy. .. Chloe says I want milk momma. .. Tammie looks and says we have no milk. U get juice. Tammie says I'll go get some .. I say I wanna go . Jay looks at me. I say she's going. A drive ... he says baby. Jay I just took a nap. .. he smiles. ... Jay can u put the girls in the tub while we are gone. He says yeah. Tammie says I'll wash them when we get back. Just let them play in ur tub .. I laugh. Jay smiles.. we leave. Tammie says Walmart or Kroger. .. Walmart!! She says u ride the old lady scooter. I laugh. OK. ... Tammie holds my hand as I get out the car. She says nope don't laugh. U are not falling on my time. .. we laugh. Awww my tam boo. Tammie get a basket I sit in the scooter and we are off. I have to pick up Kenna some stuff. I look down this Isle and see this kid. Omg !! It Ethan!!!!! I say Ethan? He turns and runs to me. He says my mimi ... I hold this beautiful boy in my arms so tight and feel the tears ... I look up and see Matt.. he looks very confused ... I stand very slowly. And husband eyes are huge. He looks scared .. I say twins . He says whoa omg melanie. ... his face is price less. And he's smiling way too big. I say shut up!!! He says I think they are over due. Hun. I say I'm 37 weeks. He says oh wow. He hasn't took his eyes off my belly. He finally looks up in my eyes but looks away quickly.. he looks at the floor. How are u ? I'm a blimp. But I'm ok... how are u? I hear marrissa she saying did u find the olive ..... she sees me and her eyes are huge. She hugs me immediately and says wow. How many are in there a litter. ... we laugh. I say two actually. She says omg melanie. How sweet. Do u know what they are yet. I say. I think they are human. Matt laughs. They are identical twin girls. Matt says wow. Two more of u God help us. On that note where is my Kenna. She's at home. Marrissa says I heard u and Jay split. Matt's head snapped up. I Said no. Just a two week break I laugh. Matt doesn't. Ethan has not let go of my hand. Marrissa says well we are back together. We are living out in Oakland. U should call some time let the kids play. Ethan says I miss Kenna. I liked it when yall stayed with us. In Italy.. Marrissa says wth? Omg. Matt says well ... they walk away. I sit back in my seat and continue shopping. Tammie has gotten 4 gallons of milk !! And strawberry mix. We leave the store. And I ask Tammie as she's helping me in my suv. Did u see them. She says no who. Matt marrissa and Ethan.. Tammie says what happen to her being pregnant. I say I think it was a lie. Oh. OK. .. we get back home and Jay has the kids clean in warm Jammie sitting in front of the tv .. wow Jay has been on it today. I love that man .. we put away the groceries and I give the kids a small piece of a chocolate bar .. Jay looks at me. U sap... I laugh. I eat the rest. Lol. I'm drinking a lemonade with it. Jay says too much sugar my love. .. I growl at him. He bust out laughing.

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