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I need to hear more of this. .. Jay I didn't have you from day one .when yall moved in with us u had a girl friend.. he says yes I did. But how long was it before I broke up with her .. I look at him I don't know a few weeks .. yes . Exactly and how many times did I flirt with u before .. he ask . u did not. I say . Yes I did .u just were so against any guy u didn't see it .. I would walk around the house all sweaty and hot after I would skate or play b ball.. I would take a shower every night just to walk around in a towel.. and then that didn't work so I had too cuddle with u. And I have to say I was in total shock when u let me spoon with u .. awwwww. I was quite smitten with u at that point .. he said was you. Cuz u didn't let on... I didn't. No u didn't. I Just wanted u to be the man .. I was the man !! U are the man honey.. he smiles so big.. I have to pee I hand Jay our daughter and I'm off to the bathroom 10 mins.. later I'm back. Wow this after baby mess is yeah a mess .. I can't see how I'm gonna have time for this clean up when I get home .. oh wow. It's so weird how my belly feels now .. I feel like I'm missing something. . And my body is different. I'm different. I'm a momma . I'm seriously someone's momma !! I'm her momma . and I smile .. Jay says you OK baby ? I look at him and say yes I'm great. I've just connected in my head that I'm a momma . And ur a daddy ! I cry .. Jay says wow ur hormones are on straight crazy ! I know I say .. the nurse comes in and says u OK hun? I say I don't know .. she says this is normal.. Jay says oh thank god . We all laugh. She says the hormones are running really crazy right now. They haven't figured out the Lil intruder is out .. but I promise u will be OK in about 18 yrs. Jay says oh lord .. I hit him . Shut up its all ur fault. Jay say I figured u say that during labor .. I say I forgot to while I was scream and praying .. he laughs . The nurse says how is she. I say she's always hungry. She's been eating a lot .. she ask how much how often .. 2 or 3 Oz every two hours .. that's OK .she says .. she a big girl so that's fine .. OK I say .. she says we have to do some test so I'll need to take her .. I say can Jay go with her .. she smiles yes he sure can .. I say go with her please . Jay kisses me and places McKenna in the plastic bed.. I lay down I'm a sleep before they shut the door .. two hours later like clock work I hear my baby whine and I'm awake .. I sit up and reach for her Jay says wow mommy woke up quick. How did u even hear her.. I say I don't know .. can I have her .. Jay says mommy is fiesty.. I look at him like give me my child . He lays McKenna in my arms and she's mad she's hungry I look at the clock she hasn't eat in 3 hours. Jay is making her bottle. I say how long did the test last and what was it .. hearing test, vision test , and a blood test .. he says they poked her heel. I'm sad .. I'm feeding my daughter when my phone buzzed.. I can't pick it up right now. .. Jay says I'm hungry baby I wanna go get some food .. there is a sonic down the road .. I say oh yes I could use some food . I tell him what i want and he leaves .. I'm alone with my baby .. this is weird .but after I feed her she needs a diaper and they took her clothes off so it's new outfit time .. I have to get up with her. These floors are concrete .. I lay her down. On the bed and cover her up. I get all of her stuff and bring it to the bed . I change her diaper and put her in another really cute onsie and socks and a sleeper .. this one is purple ..I know Jay will love it.. I rock her to sleep in the bed. . When Jay walks back in the room, he says wow. Ur so beautiful. . I say bring me food my baby daddy .. he smiles. . He says u wanna lay her down in her bed .. I say u can . He says OK he set the food down washed his hands and picked McKenna up . He's laying her down and she whined.. he said she gonna hate me i keep taking her from her mom's arms .. I say Jay she's not. I dig the food out . I'm starving . I Just ate a Lil while.. ago .. what's up with this , the baby is out.. oh well . I munch . While my baby is sleeping. She will be back awake in 1 hour and 58 minutes. And counting ... after we finish eating I get off the bed and wash her bottles and get them ready for the next round . Jay say baby I would have done that .. I say please don't treat me like I'm helpless now I have to take care of her .. jay says I'm off work for the next 4 weeks. I wanna help u. . I say u will jay u have been . He says now that I can make things easier on u I will. Thank you baby really I appreciate that I Say.. he smiles

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