Road trip

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Tosha grabs her seat beat and says road trip !! I say yes we are headed to Nashville! She says cool I always wanted to see Nashville! She's excited .. I tell her here punch in gps.. on my phone ..she says ok I give her the paper and we jump on the interstate. Two hours later we pull over to get gas .. we are laughing and cutting up hard ..she's the best ! I've explain all that is going on and she is ready to beat some ass. She says ur pregnant u don't ..but I'm a gonna !! We laugh as she pumping gas in my car .. we filled up and drive over to waffle house I need coffee and food . We sit and eat ..she says ur too calm. I say I'm good . She says ur not .. but ur not pose to be either .. I say not sure of anything. Anymore. I'm so lost .. she says I know boo. But hey maybe he's not having an affair. . Maybe it's something else .. we could be wrong . I say yeah let's hope for his health we are .. she laughs .. we get back in the car and tosha is cussing out the gps bitch! We laugh so hard .. two more hours and we enter Nashville. My nerves are shot ! Tosha says it's 10 minutes away now 1:16am on the clock on the dash .. I tell Tosha I know where this whore lives .. not to Farr from the cabin ..I had told tosha she will love the cabin.. I want to stop there first to see if he took her ass there .I'll kill him if he did .. I drive past the cabin his truck isn't there .. I drive over to Erica house and see his truck in the drive way . Yep I just lost it .. I pull away ..and go sit at the McDonald's down the street . We get a milk shake .. I'm so hurt .but mostly mad as hell. Why? We concocted a plan .. we are on it !! We pull up at the curve in the road about three houses down from her house .. we walk in the snow and ice up to the back of her house .. we have on black hoodies. It's all I had in my car. Jay and I have matching hoodies. Mine says wife and his says husband. Tosha has the husband one on. Too funny.. we pull the draw string on the hood so u can't see our faces really and we are literally creeping around the outside of this bitches house .like cat burglars. Tosha Says I'm freezing .. and for that I'm gonna beat this bitch.. I laugh covering my mouth .. we are at the back door . The back door is all glass .. it's french doors . You can see straight in the house .. into her massive kitchen .. tosha runs toward me and pulls me down when the kitchen light came on. We jump behind a tree that's close to the house .we peek as we see two shadows moving ..and then my heart fell out .. I see him walk up to her pick her up off the floor and set her on the island . She's got her arms around his neck .. he he's kissing her neck.. both his hands on her hips .. I bend down I can't watch .. tosha whispers u just say the word . I say wait .. I feel sick .. oh shit I drank that coffee ..I knew I couldn't do that ..dam. now I'm gonna puke .. we watch as jay lifts her in his arms and carry her to another room .. we run I see another door it is covered by a sheer .. but I hear this cunt giggle .. yep I look at tosha .we agree this must be the cunts bedroom . I hear him talking but I can't make out what's being said . And the wind has picked up's cold .. I tell tosha let's go .. she says aww hell naw .. she bangs on the door and i freak !! Why? I whispered. . She says get ur mother fucking ass out here now as jay opens the door .. I'm standing away from the door just looking .. tosha is closer to him . When Erica opens the door more and say what's going on ...she sees me ..and her words faded . She looks at tosha and then me then up at jay. Jay hasn't moved . He walks over past tosha and toward me .. I step back and fall off the back patio. Straight into a pile of snow .. I stand up and Jay is trying to help me . I push him hard .don't touch me . I yell . He says mel.. Erica chooses now to chime in ..she says get off my property tosha deck the bitch in the mouth so hard I swear Erica flip back in the house a few feet..

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