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That night I call the bar and tell my boss I'm so sry but my grandpa is sick and I have to quit ,because I can't be there as much anymore .. the next day I sit at the restaurant with chef Jeff I tell him I need to cut back my extra hours. To the minimum 6 hour days and I'd like to work 8 am to 3 pm . From now on. I need a Normal schedule and a normal life . Jeff agrees 100% he says he's so glad I'm putting my foot down he's proud of me and yes that's fine. He says I walk in here looking so death most days. He like to see a happier healthier me . He says imma make u some lunch u stay here . Two hours later I'm full as a tick ,Jeff made me some stuffed ravioli and twisted bread. It was like omg!! Good. He also gave me a chocolate molten cake to take home .. I've been sitting in The same spot for an hour. Back corner booth .where the employees sit . I'm so full . Ugh. I didn't eat much yesterday or last night so I was starving! ! I text Jay .. me : hey sexy. Jay : hey sexier. Me: I miss you so much . Jay: I miss you more . Me: negative! Jay: positive. What are you up to today ? Me: still 5'2 .. lol. No I'm sitting at the restaurant just ate the biggest meal . I'm so stuffed . Can't move . Jay: your at the restaurant early huh. Me : yes . I had to talk to Jeff and I knew I wanted to have lunch before I work ..but now I just can't work . Jeff says I can come back tomorrow, I'm gonna head home soon. U should come see me tonight ...jay: you want me to come see you tonight at ur house ? Your not working the bar tonight ? Me: nope. I'm going home to lay around and be lazy. Jay : I won't get off work till 7 pm .. can I stop by then ? I can't stay long .but I'll stop by for a min. Me: OK sounds good , all except u can't stay long ....Jay : I have plans . Sry . Me: OK . I tell Jeff I'm going home .. he hugs me tight and says you get some rest tonight and be here at 8 am . Not late ! He laughs .. yes sir .. I say as I'm going toward the front door . While I'm driving home I'm thinking god I hope this is right . I have to get Jay back now. I can't be with out him. I just can't. He's my everything. It's still early like noon .. I need to stop at the bank . I have to deposit my last check .. I look at the receipt , I can live OK on this amount for about a month. I laugh .. oh well . I drive to sb. I need coffee . When I get home I feel different like a weight is off my shoulders. I feel free .no worries . I'm happy. I decide to figure out what I'll wear tonight ,maybe I can woo Jay into staying .. he he ... I got this . At about 6 pm I've made Jay dinner and I've dolled all up !! I'm nervous. . I've looked up at the clock 10 times in 4 mins ... this could go either way. I know Jay has been hurt so he's different with me .. but I need to lay it all out for him tonight. Just tell him how I feel . That will be hard . I'm such a sap but horrible saying the words .. it's literally 6:17... ugh come on clock move faster .. what am I gonna say to him .. I have no idea .. I walk this house a 100 times .. I'm losing my mind when he walks in the door like he still leaves here.. he looks at me and says hey beautiful. I smile . I walk up to him and hug him tight . He hugs me , I walk to the kitchen , he follows me. I say I cooked . He smiles .. you always cook, he says I know . I say. Specially when I'm nervous. It calms my crazy nerves .most of the time .. not tonight. .. he sits down in the chair and scoots down and leans way back .he looks tired . I make him and I a plate .. and drinks . I put the plate in front of him and his drink . He picks up his glass his hand on that glass .. I'm losing it. . He sits the glass down on the table , he's rubbing the glass up and down slowly. I'm losing it. I just watch as I eat. . Jay says so u don't look sick , why aren't u at work Melanie ...

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