he always knows

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Four days later ... I'm so glad my puking sessions are at around 3pm and not in the morning time. I still haven't told Jay . And I'm not even sure how to.. I mean we have not even been getting along . And McKenna is still our baby .. she a baby. How am I gonna do this. .. ? Ugh I've puked and I feel horrible. Kenna is taking a nap .. so I jump in the shower and brush my teeth and get dressed in leggings and two tanks.. I gotta make dinner. While I'm cooking pork chops sweet potatoes and fried green tomatoes! Weird combo I know but hey it looks god to me ..I'm so pregnant! Puking ,weird food , I can smell every dam scent in the neighborhood and I think marrissa might be burning another meal ... when I get all the food on the table McKenna has woke and I pick her up .. I look at her and say u wanna be a big sister .. she smiles so big .. I love this baby so much. .. could I ever love another the way I love her ? I'm not sure ... that's scarey ! I hear some one at the door .. I walk to the door with McKenna in my arms and I see ...kammie omg! I fling the door open and hug her so tight. I haven't seen her in like I don't even know. Wow she looks so good .. come in . I tell her she sets her drink and keys down on the coffee table and Says wow u have the most beautiful home .. I say omg I can't believe u r here .. she says I know it's been a while .. a long while ! I'm so happy to see her .. she tells me she's getting married soon and she's 2 mons pregnant. . Dam what is in the air these days. ..oh yeah our feet !!! Dam men ! Awww I'm so happy for you kammie she's happy ! Jay walks in the front door and kammie says hey stranger. She hugs Jay. He looks like he has seen a ghost !! His eyes are seriously huge. I mean OK they are big anyway. .. but now huge .. jay says hey. I tell kammie she has to stay for dinner .. we all sit down and eat.. she says girl this is so good. I know right. She's ate a lot .. we both have ..Jay looks up at kammie who don't weigh 90 lbs ..and says how can u eat so much. She smiles and says I'm pregnant. Oh wow kammie is so tiny she will be so miserable. . Jay looks I'll .. I say u OK .. jay says I'm fine ..and he starts eating again .. I'm feeding McKenna .. kammie says I'm stuffed .. I laugh. I've made pecan cobbler for dessert .. she smiles .. an hour later kammie and I are sitting on the couch having some tea and talking about everything! ! It's been way to long .. Jay has give Kenna a bath and dressed her for bed .. she comes running to me with wet hair .. she climbs in My lap .. Jay says where is her blanket? Oh I washed it. It's in the dryer .. 10 mins.. later Jay delivers a warm blanket and a cup to miss McKenna. Jay kisses me and says I'm gonna get my shower now.
It was good to see u kammie .. kammie says u too. An hour later kammie and I are in deep conversation and Kenna is sleeping like a rock in my lap .. Jay walks back in the room .. kammie says sorry we just haven't seen each other in forever .. she says maybe I should go .. I say shut up ! You are not leaving . Jay says I'll put Kenna to bed. He picks her up and walks down the hall with her .. I tell kammie let's go get some dessert .. we are in the kitchen when Jay walks back in ..I ask him does he want some ..he says yes .. he takes his bowl and bottled water to the bed room .. kammie and I sit at the table and gossip for another two hours .. she has to go .I feel so sad .. I tell her we have to hang out again very soon. I lock the house up and walk to the kitchen ..I need to get the dishes done and prepare the fruits for breakfast stuff..
As I'm stacking the dish washer jay says we need to talk .. I look up at him as he sits on the counter top. I say ok.. he says I'm not telling you what to do but I really don't like the idea of you two hanging out .. I look at him like wth? He says she was a bad influence in you . I can't believe him right now . I calm myself . Jay you will never pick my friends. I say . Besides we are grown now we are different people she's getting married ! And she's pregnant! Jay says are you ,

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