the best family and friends

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The first gift , Jay sits next to me with two boxes of kleenex. . He thinks he's funny .. he smiles and kisses my cheek. The paper is so beautiful Tammie has strict orders to keep all the wrapping paper and place in the plastic container marked gift wrap keep sake .. she's next to me .. I open this wrapping paper and see a box with the mist beautiful hair bows hand made with silk . They are elegant. Gorgeous! I love them ! I say . And Jay hands me a tissue . I'm in tears .. I stand and hug molly . Thank you so much I love them. The next gift is a box full of clothes from zulilly so beautiful u can't even imagine. Lil leggings with ruffles at the bottom Omg they are adorable I tell tosha. I hug her . Next is a set of clay to make hand prints there is three of them . Awww I hug Jen and Bridget . Next is four boxes of diapers and four huge boxes of wipes . A wipe warmer and a carry case hand made to pit in the diaper bag .. all Givin by Sam . I hug him so tight. I whisper I love you in his ear. He whispers back I love you too. I'm crying again .. next is a gorgeous diaper bag by Vera Bradley so cute !! I hug Ty and his gf . I love it. I love it !! I tell them. Next is three pictures of baby lambs framed I cry they are absolutely gorgeous! ! These are from my sister and my mom . I highly them !! Thank you I love them . Mark has been putting everything back in the boxes and making sure it's all Packed to be sent to my house . Gotta love mark.. next is a box of sleepers like 30 of them they are so adorable they look hella expensive! I stand and hug Andrea you did well in tell her.. she says there's more u didn't open this one .. I say oh OK .. it's a box of bibs.. like 30 bibs they all have the cutest sayings on them I read them out and everyone laughs .. the next box is full of the Playtex nurser bottles I'd put on my registry. . And pacifiers lots of them and a bottle drainer rack and bottle brushes . It's awesome !! They are beautiful bottles and there are so many .. all different shades of pink. This came from two ladies in the corner whom I don't know .but I hug them anyway. I say thank you so much. Next is a bottle warmer another wipe warmer and 7 more outfits from dillards. So cute I'm in baby bliss!! I stand and hug kammie ! I say thank you . Next is a heavy box Jay lifts it and helps me open it. It's a swing a very very nice swing that plugs in the wall. No batteries! This had to be the most lavish swing I'd ever seen. I look for a tag who gave us this .. Keith and his wife sent it zare Says I cry hard enough I can't see .. Jay is now throwing kleenex at my face .. I laugh .. next is a floor bounce seat .it's so cute .. it has lambs on it . I love it ..I stand and hug two other ladies I don't know but I say thank you I love it. Next I open a box and burst in to tears . I just hold my face and sob .. Jay hugs me so tight it's OK baby .. I can't I can't .. wow. OK breath. I explain to them I've had this dingy old yellow bear sense the day in was born I look at my mom she says I bought that bear when I was in labor with Melanie .. I say I've had it my whole life and Jay ask me one time why did I have this dirty bear on my head board.. all the time . I say because it's from my momma and I'll have it glass boxed one day and set it up in my daughter's room . Jay had my bear glass boxed!! I hug him I'm shaking . This is the best gift . I tell him he says not yet. I have something even better I say what ?he says later .. the next gift zare says is from grandpa .. she points at Rick . He's standing next to something with a big blanket over it .. we all stare .. Rick pulls the blanket off like hudini doing a magic trick we all laugh till well I cry .. I walk over to Rick and look all this master piece . Rick has out done him self ! It's all tag hand crafted cradle . It's the most beautiful dark wood cradle it hangs on two metal hooks so it can swing. And has all the canopy topper. Omg!! It looks like something a celebrity would have for there baby. I'm in pure awwwwwww. Like I can't . I hug him for the longest time. He says she will love it ? I say yes !! We love it ..

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