letting my guard down ,ummm

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As we are pulling out of sonic drive way Jay says I want you to let me know when u are gonna let me be the man in ur life . And by that I mean I need you to let me take care of you . I want to help you along ur journey. I'm so lost as to what he is saying to me .. Jay I want us to be together . He looks at me . He says no u really don't. U need to make some changes .. you can now . It's just gonna take some effort on ur part .. we get to the house . And Jay unlocks the door and brings in all my bags. When all is in the house he says I'm gonna go . I Say Jay Dont Leave , He Pulls Me Into His Arms And Says I Love You Baby .I Say I Love You Too .Stay He Says .I Will When U Figure This Out .. OK ? I'm mad .. well I'm stupid so good luck to us both I turn away and walk to ward my room .. Jay follows me . Melanie. You know what we need. Think about it . I DON'T WANT TO THINK ABOUT IT JAY I SHOULDN'T HAVE TO GIVE UP MY JOB SO WE CAN BE TOGETHER I SHOULDN'T HAVE TO DEPEND ON ANYONE .IM GROWN. He walks out the door. I follow him. JAY STOP . He's headed to the front door . I grab him. Stop!! He turns around and looks me in the eye melanie one day ur gonna see . I just let go of him. Jay I can't ask u to take care of me .. ur not he says . U will have a good job one day. In the mean time let me .. you will not let me in .. you will not let ur self .. I'm going home now melanie. I love you. He kiss my forehead. And he's gone. I'm all out of fight. I pick up my bags and my food and walk to my room. I'm way past exhausted. The next day I wake up its 3 pm .I've slept all day and I feel fuzzy in my head. Like just lost. I put my head phones in my ears and cleanup my room I need to wash my sheets .. two hours later I have company it's my sister Dee her friend Andrea ,Tam is back , and zare has come by.. we all sit at the dinner table .having sweet tea and cake .. I tell the ladies I need some advice .. I explain what went down last night all that was said . Andrea says Mel , it's like this you make Jason feel like he's not needed and men need to feel needed zare is shaking her head yes. Jason sees u as someone he loves dearly and when a man loves u like that he wants to take care of you. It makes him feel like a man. .Jay thinks u see him as a boy still . Zare says Mel. Jason has money .lots of it he makes a dam good living .I promise u that. I look at her ..zare I've never ask Jay for anything ever ! And I don't know how much money he makes Cuz that don't matter to me .. zare says exactly Jay knows this. It's why he loves you . Well part of .. he knows u arent there for the money . His ex knew his worth she has family that works for my dad . Which is Jays grandpa . Rick and Jay both work for his grandpa .. Jay knew that Lil gold digger was there for the money .. but Jay couldn't ever show you that side of him .. because he had to know u wanted him for him. He's tried so hard to make him self look like the average Joe around you. He had to know . But when mark and I talked to him about this he refuse to say why he wouldn't get a place and yall move in together . He just said she's gotta finish growing up . We ain't there yet. .he said u like ur freedom and that yall living together he same room here was hard on You .. this news is big.. and I'm just thinking too hard. Andrea says Mel . Let him take care of you for a Lil while . Don't be so dam independent. She laughs. I tell them look if you let someone have that kinda power it goes to there head. Money is control and power . I'm not one to need anyone . If I wanna leave any situation I wanna know I can afford to leave .. zare says amen. Ur right . But there are ways u can make him feel needed .. I always make mark open all the jars , and fix stuff .it makes him feel like I need him . And I let him take care of me while I was is school. He loved it . Dee, says just let him have his way for once , let go of the control for a Lil while see what he does with his power if he uses it for evil walk ..

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