protecting my baby ..

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We arrive at 8pm . We hug Maria and she's going on about my belly . She's so happy. She says Melanie I made you a huge lasagna! Oh yes ! Uncle Keith and his family walk in the door and Keith walks up to me and places his hand on my belly he says this Lil girl is gonna love her uncle. He hugs me . I say yes we do . He smiles . Melissa is going on about our baby . When 20 of Jays friends all arrive . Always packed .. ALWAYS. They all congratulate Jay and I .. everyone seems so happy all talking and smiling . When the door opens and Erica steps in the house , OK I'm being so mature for my daughter's sake . I can't get all bent outta shape. Jay sees her and immediately steps over to her he is saying something I can't hear. She is telling him it's OK. I can see that much .. she walks over to me and Jay is beside me. She says I just wanna say congrats, you finally got knocked up .. I look at her. Jay says no leave now. I put my hand on Jays chest as to stop him .. I look at Erica and say .. u mad you were too old to give him what I can ? She laughs , I gave him what you could never , she says . I say what's that ? Old pussy? She says great sex.. I laugh . She says he told me you weren't on my level . She laughs .. I say nope I haven't reached social security yet .. she smiles. She says you could never satisfy him , he needs more then you are willing to do . Yes he's told me u don't do anything in the bed room .ur boring . I smile. Well at least I have time to improve granny.. ur just mad cuz I have his heart !! Something u never had ! Nor will you ever. I see Keith moving toward Erica .. she says I'll always have him , he's mine. Did he tell u he came to see me when u were in Italy ? Yeah he did . We fucked around the clock for days .. I smile. . And yet he still came crawling back to me .. he knew I was the one with his heart and soul. U just had his dick... and well don't hold ur self to high for that ,cuz u me and 40 others have had that .. and so far outta all , he's still right here with me... I lean in , I'm not his second choice ,or the one he uses . Ur used when he can't have me .. Jay has stepped closer to me as he sees I've leaned in to her. And I'm closer . I'm almost certain it was planned ..but I don't know .. Keith and Jay both grabbed her and she's screaming they take her outside .. I sit down realizing I'm mad .. I'm calm tho .. Rick says she won't be back . I promise .. I look at him .. he says u OK ? I say yes I'm fine .. Melissa says I like you , u are hilarious! ! Wow . I laugh. She's been laughing for a while .. she wipes her eyes .. Maria brings me some strawberry milk. She says u drink . I take the glass and drink. Someone has told her I drink this a lot .. Maria has put the food on the table and they all go sit down and begin to eat. I tell ms. Maria I'll be there in a minute. Jay and Rick walk back in the house and Jay is at my side in a nano sec. He says are you ok? He's on his knees in front of me . I say I'm fine jay. He says we will have all the locks changed in the morning. And dad had threatened her , she will not come back . I promise . . I say ok.. Jay says I'm sry baby I'm so sry . I love you . I say I love you too. He says you wanna eat . I say not yet. I tell him go eat I'm fine . He says I'll wait on you. No! Jay go eat now . I'm fine . I'm gonna go put my clothes away . He looks at me hard. Baby its not good for you to be upset or mad. I stand , then tell ur exes. To top popping up like a Chris angel assistant , oh and tell the others to stop staring at me like imma do a fucking magic trick .. now watch me dissappear! !!! I'm mad !! And irritated... I walk to our room and slam the door .. I'm not sure why but jay did not follow me .... I sit down on the bed .. I have to calm down . I wouldn't do anything to hurt my daughter.

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