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Well a lot has happen in the past 4 mons.. everyone knows I'm having my ultrasound to find out the sex of our baby today . Grandpa says I'm having a girl .. grandpa's been so happy with the news of his great grand child. So much so that he makes Jay take me shopping a lot. He insist we buy many maternity clothes . And food . Wendy brings me lots of food . It's funny she says grandpa insist when she shops for him she must shop for me. I feel sry for her .. so I'm set up on all I need . We just have to find out what the sex is so we can start getting baby stuff. it's feb. So it's cold outside. . But if you've ever been pregnant u know we do not get cold .. I love my doc. Dr.homsi he's so funny . And sweet .he laughs at Jay every month when we visit. He says Jay u know read Google. We laugh .. when I'm ready I have on maternity jeans and a really cute maternity tank top . Seriously spaghetti strap tank .. it's so cute . And flip flops .. Jay shakes his head at me ..but has finally given up on fighting me about me .. for the most part .. when we arrive at the doc office. I have my purse and my bottle of water .. I walk in Jay behind me Jay sits down in a chair I walk up to the window and sign in , the lady ask are u drinking water I show her the bottle she laughs and I do too .. I turn around and look for Jay . But when I see what I see I think I just piss myself .. I know my face looks terrified . Jay is sitting two chairs over from Matt , I look at this female with Matt who is oh so very pregnant . Like due . She's huge . I'm not big at all . I'm still in my cute pregnant stage .. my tank is sorts fitting and I have a cute bump.. I look good . Jay looks at me and smiles .. I smile . I walk over and say hi Matt . He says hi Melanie . Matt says this is my gf marrissa . I shake hands with her and she says how far along oh I'm 21 weeks .. she says 37 weeks. I smile .. she says u know the sex gonna find out today actually she says aww it's so exciting. She says we are having a boy .. this hoe is saying her and Matt are having a baby boy in a few weeks .. what do u want. Jay says a girl . I say a boy .. she says well I say healthy. But Matt here wanted a boy. Matt laughs . His shock is still apparent .. he can't believe he's seen me here in this state .. I smile at him .. they are called back she says it was so nice to meet u Melanie . I say u too. When they are back. Jay looks at me . He says wow . I say yeah. Wow. Small world. He says yeah I didn't think Italy was close enough to see a doctor here .. who knew .. we are called back and we go in another door .. we are taken to a exam room first. I tell Jay I'm so excited to see the baby. He says me too . A while later when dr.homsi comes in he says hi we say hi ... he says how are ya Melanie .. but he's from some foreign country so it don't sound like that .. but I like him .. I'm good so ready to see my baby .he smiles oh yes . He always helps lay me back and lift me up . It's funny. He lays me back and listens for the heart beat. It's strong he says as we listen it sounds like a train . Or rushing water.. he measures my belly. And feels around my belly. . He says OK he lifts me up. He says u back we walk to the other part sit other the waiting room there . We get called back . The tech says sit here Jay holds my hand while I climb on the table . She says lay back here.. I lay back on the pillow. She has the machine ready. She says this gel is warm . Relax it's OK. I guess I look nervous. . I'm nervous because I know they will see if anything is wrong with the baby too. She starts, she anything do we wanna know the sex. We both say yes at the same time .. she says well.. if u look right here .

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