normal life

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We talk for a min .. while I wait for my food .. he's laughing at me ..hard. I guess I said something funny about an old friend we use to know .. he says wow ur still the most mezmerizing lady ever. ..I look at him like boy you saw the ring ..I gotta man !! He says what ? I say ur insane like always .. he shakes his head and say uhhh huh ... he's so dam cute. Wow. He grew up well !! He says look me up on fb ..I say ok. He Walks away .. I take the bag of food and walk back to my car .. when I'm putting my seat belt on. He says they stalk you ...I look up and Andy is looking out the huge glass wall of the Chinese place .. I wave bye he does too... I pull my car out the parking space and drive toward our home .. when we get home I put McKenna in her high chair and pull a meal from the frig and warm it on the warmer .. I usually make her meals 20 or 30 at a time. I feed her all nutritional meals. I want my kid healthy while dad and I eat trash ... she reaches for me. I say wait one minute boo. U wanna eat ?she is rubbing her eyes oh hell she sleepy and i still gotta give her a bath .. I decided against my better judgment to warm her meal in the microwave. ..I don't like to use that thing for her meals. But I gotta tonight. .. I'm trying to feed her but she's being super fussy .. she almost refuse to eat. I got some food in her and decide not to keep fighting her .. I ask Jay to make a bottle and I take Kenna for a bath. ..when she is clean dry and in warm bed clothes I give her , her bottle and sit in my chair with her and we Rock while I sing to her. I never in a million years thought I'd love singing Disney songs. But here I am .. singing do u wanna build a snow man. To my 2 yr old baby girl who is the most beautiful baby ever ..she has the most Beautiful eyes. They are her daddy's eyes for sure. But some how they are even more gorgeous in her head ... she's fading into sleep .. I wanna hug her so tight .. it's insane the amount if love you can feel for ur child. I mean it's a love beyond .. when she's good and a sleep Jay lifts her arms and kisses her face am her head he's saying I love u my beautiful as he walks down the hall toward our bed room he's gonna put her in her crib next to our bed .. I walk to the kitchen and see what part of the groceries my husband did not put away ..he will put away the stuff that eill go bad but he knows my kitchen is mine. I'll put my stuff away .. I have to have it organized my way. ..sry. lol. As I'm putting way the food Jay walks in and says sit baby eat ur dinner. He's warming it up. He hands me a Pepsi .. I sit down I just don't wanna fight with him .. I know if i say I'm not really hungry he will get either mad or really sad ...the merciful moods of my husband. . He puts this plate full of food in front of me .. I start eating ...he says keep going as I out the fork down ..I say I'm full ..he says .. I put my sad lip out ..he says don't baby .. I do it again. He says ur so wring for using that on me and teaching our daughter that art .. I laugh .. I crawl in his lap. I kiss him. ..he says get outta here wit that mess .. i try to kiss him again and he has his whole hand on my face pushing me back .. I say baby .. well I mumbled it .. his hand is so dam big it covers my whole face...he says no don't kiss me ..I whimper and he drops his hand immediately. .he says if u only knew ...he stands and drops me in my chair Melanie ..he says as he walks away .. I stand immediately and follow him. He's sitting on the couch. I stand in front of him .. if I only knew what Jay ? ..I ask . He smiles. . Nothing I'm not gonna tell u , u will use ur power for evil ... he says .. I smile. I straddle his lap . And look him in the eye .. tell me I say as I put my dad lip out .. he smiles he's chewing on some thing .. I look and it's a bottle cap . Why is he doing that ? I say don't chew on that .. I put my hand out for him to spit it in my hand .. he laughs hard .. I realize I just treated my husband like my 2 yr old daughter .. he says u can't have it . I say u wanna bet .. he smiles ..and bites it again i can hear it Crack in his mouth ..

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