learning more of each other

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You don't do well when I'm not paying u , ur do attention. He says. I smile. You get that way too. Except u sulk.. your definitely a sulker... he smiles .. I know .he says you been telling me that from day one . He runs the rag up my back and down my back. You've been sulking sense we got home .. and I'm not sure why ..we have been having sex a lot lately. You can't be sulking over that .. I say .. he looks at me . Am I sulking he ask. Yes you are ..I say . He says I miss you . I just really been so needy lately. I think I'm just scared ur gonna run . U said u wanted to go back to Italy ..he looks down ..sulking. jay I would have said anything to you then. I was hurt. He shakes his head yeah. He says I wanna talk to you about that .. I say OK .. he says I wanna have another baby. I think I just swollowed my tongue .. he says you don't ..in a sad voice . I say ..jay I do want to have more babies. .but I'm scared I'll miscarry again .. he says yeah me too. But the doc said we could have more kids .. .. I know jay it hasn't been 6 mons tho .. maybe we should wait ..he says we will wait as long as you want to .. I kiss his abs. He twitches . Under me . I pretend not to notice . I kiss him again. He says u have it.. I look up in his eyes .. he says u turn me on with out any effort .. I didn't make any face changes.. I'm completely complacent. He says you make a face or you move or say something a certain way. You will be cleaning house or cooking ..and I feel my whole body tune into u .. I smile. He says it was so dam hard to hide that from u ..when we lived with our parents. In the very beginning. .. when we would argue and you'd go off on me then flip ur hair and walk away .. I'd be thinking I wanna fuck her till she can't stand and walk away .. I have bug eyes now. ..he says I thought you were the sexiest girl I'd ever seen ..and all that attitude and confidence. You had it all ..I was so into you . I wanted you long before I started showing it .. you would be laughing with ur friends and get tickled or embarrassed. And be dying inside wanting to just talk to you or touch u . I always had the thought I wanna touch her so bad .. and ud always lick ur teeth when u were nervous. It turned me on . A lot . I set on the back porch one day , this happen before we started kissing .. but you and Tammie were out side laying out .. in that white bikini . Yall had the radio on and something ran under ur blanket you jumped up and took off running ur hair fell out that bun u do . It was flipping all around and you looked so beautiful. I was in complete awww. Roger walked up to me and said that girl.. I just gave him the biggest smile .. he knew I was into u . . Long before anyone .but it's cuz he's in aww of you too. He would raise his eyes every time at me when ud do something cute or sexy. I'm just so content listening to Jay right now .. he seems so real and so genuine. He goes on .. you came back up to the porch all flustered cuz some mole ran under ur blanket .. then u went in the house and got a popsicle. . You were giving that thing ur all .. Jay raised his eye brows .. I smile. He says you pointed it at me and said you want some when u noticed me staring. I laughed and shook my head no .. but I wanted to kiss you so bad. I was aching .. I wanted you so bad .. it was becoming unbearable. I thought all day at work the next day ..how can I get her to like me .. then I walked in the house that night and u were under ur blanket on the couch watching oth. And I was freezing . I just thought here goes nothing or something I'm about to find out .. I was scared.. but I told you I was freezing share ur blanket. I was in shock when u pulled me in .. I say u want my version .. he shakes his head yes ..

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