he surprised me

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The next day is Monday and my husband should have been up an hour ago for work .. I whisper in my husband's ear hey ur an hour late. He whispers back I own the company I'm not going today ..we need to get some things done .. I say what? He says in an hour we will get up .. he pulls me into him in our typical spoon position and he's rattling again quick .. my man is so cute. A few minutes later and I see my baby Kenna crawl out of her crib .. straight out like a Lil spidey baby. She didn't even fall. Like I was holding my breath waiting. .. nope she hit the floor feet first and I watch as she walks to Jays side of the bed .. she looks at jay and says daddy sllllllep. I cover my mouth not to laugh. She walks to the door opens it and walks out the room. I wait. .. she is saying mommy mommy .. I sit up and jay says what .. I say ur daughter just climbed out her crib walked over here said daddy sleep . And went to the living room calling out mommy mommy. She comes back to the door and and sees me and runs toward the bed ..I pick her up and ask her where u been .. she says out . Jay laughs with out even opening his eyes. He says that was a mom response. .she not just me .. I smack him. He's laughing. .jay seems happy . We have breakfast which jay don't care for oatmeal with fruit .. he says we need eggs ! I tell him no sir. This morning we need hearty warm food. There is pose to be snow tonight .. he eats his breakfast sadly. .I ask him what's this stuff we have to do today. .. he says well I've gotta look at some figures real quick but i think it's time to get you a new vehicle. Urs is falling apart .. I look at him. .. jay mine can be fixed .. he says no I wanna see about a new one. You have any idea what ud like .. I say well I have seen the new Nissan Marano. I like it a lot ! He smiles.. OK we can go look at one today . I say yay !!! Two hours later we are finally ready to leave the house I pick up McKenna diaper bag and jay picks up McKenna who looks so adorable today .. she just the most beautiful baby ever... jay says why is it so cold .. he's shielding McKenna from the wind .. we jump in the truck . I say are u sure we need to walk a car lot today .. he says oh we ain't ..I'm sitting inside with my baby girl back here ..u can go look .. I laugh. Wow thanks send ur wife out to the wolf's he says u can handle it u got this baby. .. I laugh. I look back at Kenna who is saying cold .. I laugh she's to cute for words . When we arrive on the lot ..I see a few morano's. Jay gets out first and get Kenna ..he's walking inside as I pick up her diaper bag and my purse.. I walk in and see jay already talking to a sales man .. the man walks up to me as jay introduced us and shakes my hand .. he says so u like the morano? I say yes sir.. he says well come with me. .. we Walk a few feet and stop. It's beautiful. It's a deep maroon red , It's leather seats , the sakes man says it's fully loaded leather heated seats .. he's going on and on .. but I see it's so dam beautiful. I love it. I wanna drive it home .. jay says what do u think. ..is remember rick taking me to buy my car . Never seem over excited .. I say it's cute .. what else do u have .. the sales me shows me a few more ..a white one clothe interior a silver leather interior and a blue .. I sit is them and check them out .. he says would u like to test drive one .. i say yes that one in the showroom .the red one .. he says yes ma'am .. they pull it out of the show room and I get in with the sales man I drive it around for fora while .. when we get back I tell him I'd like to speak with my husband for a few moments. . Jay and i walk away and go talk ..

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