it worked .. Oscar worthy

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We pull up out side this massive place , hell I thought maybe he was serious about the nut hospital! !!! He looks over at me ,he says come on baby . I walk with him , I'd walk threw hell for Jay .. we walk to the desk Jay talks to the clerk like he's done this before. . She hands Jay the key card .. we walk to the elevator. . When in the elevator I look down and there is blood on my arms little nicks every where .how did I not see these before .. we step off the elevator and walk down the hall Jay opens the door , it's a beautiful room very nice .. I set my bags down . Jay says come on . We walk to the massively large bathroom. . Jay shuts the door behind us , Jay looks exhausted. And sad .. Jay why are we here ? I could have slept on the couch ... I ask .. he look at me as he steps closer to me. He says because I need to sleep with you tonight . He reaches down and pulls my shirt over my head , I immediately feel the need ...when Jay has us naked .. he turns the shower on and says come on .. we are standing under the water Jay has me wrapped in his arms . I'm calm .. finally .. Jay grabs the soap and begins washing me.. this is nice .. he lifts my wrist and looks at my arm he looks at me deep in my eyes ..he says Melanie don't ever do this again. I mean it ! He sounds mad as he's washing the Lil knicks of blood off my arm and then lift my other wrist he's washing the blood off of it ... he pulls me in the water the pink soap washes away. I can see these tiny Lil knicks all over me .. my chest my arms. My god. I really did this . I'm so a shamed . I acted stupid . But I felt like he was leaving and it made me go all bat shit crazy .. don't leave me . He looks up at me . He don't say anything. We finish washing and get out Jay walks over to the bed and sits down I'm standing there in a towel .. Jay looks up at me in his seriously smokin hot side deep dark brown eyes glance the one that takes my breath away. .. he looks so mad. This turns me on so much. I think the towel just ..poof turned to air .. he says drop the towel baby . But his voice is deathly deep and mad .. I drop the towel immediately. He says come here .. I walk to him .. he pulls me down on the bed and rolls over on top of me. He kisses me .. he says ur mine all mine do you hear me ..I shake my head yes .. he says I don't think you understand me . You are mine . We are together now. Do not cheat on me. I will not cheat on you. Never ever have another moment like u did tonight . Do you hear me ? Jay ask. Yes. I say. He kisses me full on .. for a good 10 mins and when I pulls away. He says do u want to
Be all mine again. I say yes ! He says show me .. I kiss him . He pulls me over on top of him. I lean down and kiss his chest a few times .. I look up at him and say I'm so sry Jay. I mean it. He looks at me ,please don't ever do that again he whispers. . I won't , if u don't friend zone me ... I smile .he smiles .. I lean down and kiss his chest , his belly , his happy trail .. about two minutes later when I sit up and swollow. I think Jay was in shock .. he gets off the bed walks around and turns off all the lights .. it's pitch black he climbs back on the bed , he lays down beside me. He's rubbing my side. And kissing me. .. he says you love me? Yes . He says you trust me ? Yes . He says you gonna stay with me forever ? Yes . He says you want me ? Yessssss...... he puts his hand between my thighs and I'm so there .. not long and I was convulsing hard .. he says u ok? Baby. . I mumble ye. He smiles .. we aren't done here baby. He rolls me over on my belly he's in . And in my ear .. he says ur mine . I shake my head slowly yes.. he says I love you baby. U scared me tonight , I've never seen u so mad .. I knew in that moment you really did love me . I shake my head yes. I'm exhausted. I can not move .. it feels so good tho .. he says baby u ok? I shake my head yes.. he says being bat shit crazy is exhausting huh? He smiles .. I shake my head yes and smile... he says forever as he's spent and holding me so tight ....

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