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Looking around i see so many people and family .. I'm so trying not to focus on Jay he's got tears rolling. . He keeps sniffling I can hear him. I did not expect Jay to cry. He's an emotional man. ..but there is a serious amount of people here and he's got tears rolling .. and well so does a lot of other people .. wow so many tears. .when we reach the gazebo I turn and see Maria wheeling McKenna down the Isle .. she's so beautiful. The stroller is covered in white and pink flowers and streamers it so cute. McKenna is smiling so happy. .when they reach the gazebo next to me McKenna says daddy daddy Jay walks down and picks her up she has Jays face in her hands she says dada..daddy. he says yes baby girl she says mamamam.. he points at me and she says mama. I kiss her cheek. She say bite. We all laugh. She needed me to feed her. I'm just food to this child. we both kiss our daughters cheek and the pic was taken. The preacher says I'm sure u all know this is miss McKenna Melanie and Jason's daughter . She is very much a part of this union. And they wanted her to be up here with mommy and daddy. McKenna says bite to the preacher who says u wanna eat huh. She says Bite mama. I say yes soon. We hand her to ms. Maria .and she give McKenna a bowl of cereal bites.. she happy. The preacher says who gives this woman away? And Keith says me . He kissed my cheek and says love ya. I love ya too .. he gives my hand to Jay ..who palms are a Lil sweaty . I look at him is he really this nervous he smiles so big. OK. He can't be thus nervous. I squeeze his hand tight . He turns to me as I turn to face him. We hold both hands now .. he's looking at me like wow .. is that you .. the preacher says some things and we are told to light the candle . We light the candle and he says some more stuff and then place the ring on her finger .place ring on his finger blah blah blah do u take this man .. yes I do . I smile ..do u take this woman yes I do . Jay smiles hard . I now pronounce u husband and wife u may kiss .. Jay has my head in both his hands and is giving me the most sensual kiss of my life. It's so good . We part and I feel light headed .. he says all mine . I say all mine. We turn and walk back down isle .. as we step off the first step the bubbles went nuts we had 6 massive bubble machines! And the bubbles are thick !! We look at each other and walk .. when we get back to the dressing room area Jay pulls me in my room shuts the door and pulls me in his arms so tight. He says I've made me the happiest man alive !! He's kissing me . I feel it in my toes! He says let's make it official right now. ..I say Jay we can't. .. he says we can and shows me his ring. He's smiling hard . Me too. He says come on baby pleas .. I say OK. And we do .. a lot and for a while .. on the floor . Still in my dress. An hour later we are saying bye bye to our daughter .. ms. Maria is taking her to my house to watch her ..for the night . Jay and I will be at the hotel tonight . Jay says come on baby we gotta pack up ur stuff in the dressing room and get to the hotel. When we arrive at the hotel everyone that sees us is saying congratulations! ! We say thank you 100 times before we get to our room. We are to stay here till called . We had to drop all our bags any way. Jay says I'm starving and orders room service .. always hungry . We eat a lot . Then we make out for a while. Then we get the call .. we fix our selves and make our way down to the ball room which is stunning I must say all the flowers and candles in glass globes... wow I look around so many people! ! We around really introduced as Mr .around Mrs. Rykard. I smile at Jay and say finally .. he says always . I say forever.. it's sweet .. we walk out .. for the next hour everyone is eating and drinking. . Tammie is calling the sitter .. I tell her come on she's my first dance she says What? I take her hand and we land in the middle of the dance floor . Bam!! We slow dance she's laughing .. I say ur my only best friend and today u made me feel so special so now I sat my turn. She hugs me tight . She says I got you . Always . After that dance I walk over to Sam and take his hand .. I tell him come on now. ..he don't dance ..he does tonight !

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