vacation with kids more like work

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Took me and Tammie 3 hours to cook breakfast and get 4 kids ready for a day at magic kingdom. As we are all ready the van is packed Jay says Tammie watch them for a sec .. he pulls me back in the bedroom. .pushes on the bed and crawls up on top of me he kisses me for like 5 minutes and says you look so beautiful today. I love you. Pppssshhhhhh. I smile and tell him I love him too. He smiles.
This day will be a lot of fun work. ... as we walk in I see sissy and Kenna light up . Jay has a camcorder /camera. He's gotta capture there reactions. I laugh as he pans over to me. I push the camera away. .. he's laughing. Tammie and I talk about the things we wanna do with the kids. While Sam and Jay talk about rides .. I wanna shop and eat!! The food in here smells so good . The temp outside today is perfect feels so good . I was worried it might still be too warm .. I'm pushing sissy and Kenna in the double stroller . I Ned to stop at this drink place. The drinks look amazing. We all get a drink and the guys spot there first ride .. Jay gives me the look like please. I tell him go ..Sam is already in line . Tammie and I walk away to a gift shop. We buy the kids stuffed animals and T shirts . I buy candy for all.. we walk out and see Minnie mouse the girls have a fit. ..I take pics while they talk to her.. awww so cute . We have an appt. At Bibidi bop boutique! In two hours. The girls will get a make over as princesses! ! Can't wait. Yay!! I decide to feed them something before .so they won't get there dresses dirty. We walk to the food court place road. Idk. But they all get something to eat we find Jay and Sam who are high 5 ing. And laughing .. Jay walks up and puts his arms around me ..I see him look up at someone then lean down and kiss my neck. I look at him .. he says we are all going on the that ride. ..we get in line. It's a pooh bear ride.. honey pots !! Kenna is so excited. Jay is holding her she's feeding him her food as we wait in line .. I look at him like u wanna tell me what happen .. but he says nothing . He just smiles. He's kissed my forehead a few times .. I think he maybe messing with someone .. but I'm not sure .. Jay is always very affectionate. Maybe I'm just over thinking . We get on the ride and I watch the girls laugh .. they love this .. the guys decide they are starving and need food now . As we are watching the girls get there make overs they are so so so. Cute!! Sissy Kenna and Chloe .. have on dresses and there hair is all glittery make up on nails painted .. wow beautiful. These ladies have skills in making over these Lil girls. We allow them to walk now in the puffy dresses. It's so cute. .. Chloe is the youngest she will be 2 soon Kenna will be 3 soon sissy 7 soon .. Tammie is having to hold Chloe hand ..she like to wonder off. Sissy is holding Kenna hand I'm pushing miss Abby. Who is waking up and getting ready for a bottle.. we stop and get Abby out. .. Tammie is feeding her. I tell Tammie I'll take Chloe with me .. I take the girls to see the bear show . We are in line when Jay runs up behind me and grabs me. He says Thank god !! I look at him crazy ..he says I had to find you. People are starting to think I'm dating Sam .. we laugh. Sam says psshh. They know I'm outta ur league dude .. Jay laughs .. they are having fun. Jay tells sissy and Kenna they are the most beautiful princesses he's ever seen .. he's twirling them around. They are Uber happy . We sit and watch this bear show. Sam went to help tam.. when it's over Jay picks up Chloe and takes Kenna by the hand .. sissy is walking like she is the most important princess ever I smile at her .. she's so cute . We find Tammie and Sam. They look like they have been fighting. Tam is not happy . And Abby is not happy either ..she fussing .. Jay give Chloe to Sam and took miss Abby. She's fussy he lays her on his chest and is walking around .. she calms almost immediately. . He's holding her binky in her mouth .. Tammie says u can keep her ..Tammie is laughing of course.. we load the kids up in the strollers .. we have other parks to go to .. Jay is in baby bliss ... woman watch him as we walk ..I whisper I'm on to u .. he smiles..

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