twice as nice

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I walk threw the gates at zare says house and the baby shower bliss begins !!! Zare has even out dine my last shower .. it's so amazing. Sooooooooooooo many gifts and food .. Jay is holding me up right. I'm up 62 lbs now and 36 weeks pregnant with twins.. I can barely walk. My husband apologizes every hour for me being so miserable. Kenna says mommy too big. Every day. Wow. Sissy runs over to me and says wow lard butt.. I'd hit her if I was able to move ... Mark says hey gorgeous come here I got u a gift. Jay holds on to me while I walk up the patio. Everyone is watching me. Yep at least 70 people here today. I move very slow. When I get to the patio where there is massive fan blowing on a huge rocker recliner is lavender and has a foot stool same color. It looks like the most luxurious thing I've ever seen. Mark says come on big momma. I look at him ... Jay helps me sit down. Zare says here she's got me a huge side table. Then they put a long tabke coffee table hight in front of me. Mark says that for ur food. I throw the pillow at him ... I'm super thank full I bought these jump suits this big and comfortable they are all I wear any more. I look cute today. But yeah so is a blimp ..ughhhhhhh..... I'm a cute blimp .. Jay pulls a chair up next to me molly brings me water bottles in a ice bucket and two glasses of southern blend.. Tammie has me two plates of food. And Kenna is already eating it. We laugh ... I'm comfortable for now. It usually don't last long. My angels are purple as this chair and my fingers look like sausages!!! But I had an appt. Yesterday Dr.homsi says I'm in great shape all good. U may go 40 weeks. U healthy . Happy yes .. I wanna smack him some days. And now that I see him every week. Ugh. He thinks the girls will weigh 4 or 5 pounds at birth. He says they look so good. Perfect position.. but have run out of room .. my stomach is so tight the skin is peeling off and itches so bad ... I'm so so ready to deliver these two. .. as I'm eating and thinking way hard ... I see Bridget and Jen coming closer... awww. I'd get up and hug yall but I don't stand well. It will take three men room get me up .. they hug me. .. wow. I've never in my whole life seen a belly that big. Says Jen.. Bridget smacks her. We all laugh .. molly says u will never be right again and laughs. I just eat. .. I want my body back. I want to stop eating so dam much. I want to be able to lift Kenna. Who is about to turn 5 soon. And start school . Sad lip.. !! They start the games I laugh but I have this super depressed feeling.. like I can't shake it. I'm mad cuz I want to be able to stand and walk and hug these people. I seem so ungrateful!! Ugh. And we'll laughing is a bad idea I had to wear a pad cuz I leak when I laugh. Too much pressure on my bladder. Crazy. .. I look over at Jay he's so happy. He's in baby shower bliss too. Kenna says mommy I want to see the baby toys. I laugh. .. not many toys boo just baby stuff. . She says ok. Zare says I got my Kenna something.. Rick says I did too. Tammie me too. Tosha me too. Wow. Kenna lite up so much. She is getting an early birthday !! Zare helps her while they deliver me the baby gifts .. Jay hands me a small box it's kinda heavy tho. I open it and look in side. I have tears. It's 6 8x10 white framed pics for the baby's nursery. I look at Jay. He says what is it baby. He leans over to me and I say I have to pee. He smiles. Jay says mark. They lift me out the chair as everyone watches .. it's so embarrassing! Ugh. Jay walks with me I come back and Jay says let's walk for a min... can't sit to long and can't walk to long doc orders. Ugh. We walk out to the food tables. These is a chocolate fountain yeah. My dreams have come true. I stick the tooth pick in the strawberry and let the chocolate pour over it. I eat it .. so good ... I walk over to the table with gifts and open one. It's from my sister it's a huge box of Playtex nurser bottles. I loved these with Kenna. I love em... I hug her. .. sissy says I got them some thing. She picks up her box I open it. It's two purple monkeys. I cry. I love them. .. three hours later. I'm straight exhausted!! The party is going strong. .. I walk in the house I lay down on the couch prop two pillows between my knees and two pillows under my head. I was a sleep instantly. When I wake up in see Jay sitting right in front if me on the floor. He's holding Kenna and sissy watching zootopia... I say I have to pee. Zare says she back ... I laugh. Jay says she has that thing now where people just fall over asleep any where. They all laugh. He says I'll be looking for her and find her a sleep in floor or in a chair in Kenna's bed. .. zare says man yall have no idea what her poor body is going threw. It's working so hard. Even when she's at rest. .. Jay says yes I do know. Because I have done my daddy home work. I love my wife. .. as he's lifting me off the couch. So I can pee. .. when I come back Jay says u wanna eat. ... yes I do .. Jay go's to the kitchen . Kenna says mommy the babies got Sooooooooooooo much stuff. Mark says we font have enough room for it all I'll have to move in here .. I laugh. Zare says I'll take Kenna. .. I look around and see most every one is still here. I walk out the back door and trip a tiny bit on the door step. Mark moved so dam fast he had me in his arms I said I'm fine. I'm fine. Mark says I'm not... I laugh. Mark said zare I need some Xanax stat... I laugh again. Jay is there what happen. ... I look up and mark still has me by my shoulders. We are all laughing. I tell Jay I hit my toe on the step. Mark thought I was about to fall. He caught me it's all good. I'm fine Jay. . He takes me and sits Me in my chair on the patio. Jay says please stay. Marks old he can't take fear like that. Mark agrees. We all laugh ..two more hours of food and laughter. And family and friends the guys are loading up the trucks !!! Three trucks full .. and three cars. Lol. So glad the girls have a massive nursery it's huge. I love the men for finishing it and Tammie zare and Molly help me fix it all up. It's so beautiful pink and brown walls dark wood canopy cribs pink and brown strip curtains. It's gorgeous. And now we have to get all this in place tomorrow..

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