the battles are fun,,, not!!!

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I look up and say no thanks very sarcastically. And walk away I grab my bags I stuff them in one of the bigger bags and walk away. He says what did I do ? To my back. Cuz I was walking away . He follows me and I've gone to the closet with the bags not to wake my child . I'm siting in the floor pouring bags out .. he's standing in the door way. He says your hugging me and then u walk away all mad. What ? What? Now Melanie ? I look up mad as hell. He says oh I get it you thought I was here to get you back ? I look up and laugh .. no Jay. I just though maybe you loved me. My bad .. oh I do love you . You crazy ass woman ! But I didn't fucking up this time. You did. U gonna have to come to me this time .. he's smiling hard .. how the fucking is he always right ? Always . Errrrrrr!! I look up at him and say wow. Gonna be a long cold life with out me huh .. he says maybe .. but I'm not kissing Ur ass. If you want me back you better pucker up baby .. he's smiling . I'll say when I'm wrong. And I was wrong for grabbing u .. but you gonna have to get me back this time. .. he says. I say I took u back too many times over stupid shit. I think I'm good .. you want me u need to figure it out . He says nope. U Need to .. I finish going threw my stuff he walks away .. an hour later I need to find out where he is. I find him on the couch a sleep with my blanket ..I laugh. He tool my blanket. And he's not a sleep rattle..he's acting like he is. Dumb ass... I go to bed ..
The next morning. . Bea is at the door when I walk in the kitchen I open it Kenna in my hands Kenna leaps for her. Bea says am I in time for breakfast? I say I'm on it .. I put together a french bread bake thing yesterday. I pop it in the oven and pour us some coffee ..Kenna some apple juice .. Bea looks over at the couch and says do I need to go ? I say no pssshhh. He will be heading out soon .I'm sure .. Bea laughs. We talk for a while and I pull the French Toast bread out the oven and put it on plates I'm cutting Kenna's up when Jay walks in the kitchen my blanket wrapped around him .. his hair is all over his head .. me Bea and Kenna are at the breakfast table . Jay says u didn't make me a plate baby. I laugh there's a McDonald's down the street .I say .. Bea giggles. He says sexually frustrated much .. you could have come and got some last night ... I say nope! My hand don't cry for two hours after wards so I'm super satisfied and well rested !! Bea is laughing so hard at us .. he says I wouldn't have been crying if I had been satisfied. .. Bea can't breath . And I wouldn't have left you so many times in to the arms of another if I had been satisfied. He says ditto! He's laughing. Bea Says no no. You two no. Just no .. he laughs .. what ever it takes to win. We been doing it for as long as we've know each other .. she says ol well yall are even. Stop. Yall already said too much ... I tell Bea this dude came here thinking I was gonna beg him to take me back. Bea says Jay have you seen this sexy ass woman ? Jay says yes ma'am. Your right she's the sexiest!! But dam she's crazier then she is sexy. I wink at him and say thank you. He says I gotcha boo .. we fist bump. .. he's laughing. I'm laughing. .. Bea says well Jay u better get them knees dirty boy before I become Kenna's née step daddy or mommy. Oh I'm not even sure how that would be said. u get me .. I say to Bea at least ud have a clue in bed. .. she says oh hun ud never leave me .. we all laugh so hard. .. Jay dropped the French bed .. hey don't get that on my blanket ...I say. He says this is my blanket . I raised my eye brow at him. .. he says I bought it .. I say Ur right ...I go back to eating .. he says imma take Kenna outside to play. .. Bea and I talk. We are good.. . I tell her that Keith and all of us are gonna cook out tonight after he called . I want her and Maria to come . She says OK .. she ask can I bring my girlfriend. Of course ! I say. Bea leaves . I clean up breakfast stuff and put together some stuff for lunch and dinner. I love this kitchen !!

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