happy happy happy

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Home sweet home ! The weekend has come and we are having a cook out so I can see all my friends I haven't seen them in 6 weeks . It's time to reconnect. Jay is cooking some steaks on the grill . I've made a lot of food. .and our family and friend have brought stuff. Jay looks so happy he's laughing so hard at something him and Sam are talking about. I'm talking to Tammie but can't take my eyes off Jay. She says so how are yall? I look at Tam and smile big. I say pure bliss . She says that's awesome Mel . Yall just need to keep it that way. We laugh .. everyone is making plates . Kenna Says mommy I look at her she says pee pee .. I laugh pick her up and we run to potty .. she's laughing so hard I say come on let's get the potty monster .. when we return to the back yard I see Jay way out back .. he's chasing sissy he lifts her in the air . She's screaming .. I can't hear what's Said ..but I can see them .. Jay loves her dearly .. I just love that he's laughing and having fun .. that he's happy . Sissy runs toward me when he let's her go. She's saying Nana boo Boo. She runs in my arms i turn away so he can't take her. He grabs me and says I'll take this one. We laugh . Kenna says daddy !! He grab her up and I hold my breath as she's two foot in the air .. she laughs so loud. I scream JAY !! He catches Kenna he's smiling too big. He looks at Kenna and says mommy's poor heart can't handle it. She says Gen Gen. I reach out and grab her leg ..don't you dare I say to Jay. He dodges me and runs out away from me . And throws our daughter up in the air I cringe so hard. She's a good three feet above him. Omg! Jay ! He catches her and swings her .. he's kissing her face when I get to him I hit him hard and take my child. She says wee mommy. I say no more wee Kenna. She says daddy daddy and reaches for him . He runs up to me and says give me my baby. I look at him like he's lost his mind. He sticks out his sad lip at Kenna she reaches for him. I tell him don't do that again .. he takes Kenna and runs away. He's telling her something .. I look away. I can't. When he's back on the patio with my baby. Our baby. He says we talked it over mommy and we decide ur just gonna have to get use to it. He throws Kenna up again and scream. She's literally in air screaming at the top of her lungs WEE .. she not even 3 yrs. Old. She's a Lil dare devil .. she's definitely his child !! Jay will do anything. .and is definitely the best at everything . I do mean everything. He won't allow him self to lose .. when I've fed and bathed Kenna she's dressed for bed. She's not sleeping back in her bed yet but I'm trying. .. she says mommy bed . I decided I'm too tired to fight her tonight .. I put her in my bed and sissy is on the other side of her. I guess I fell a sleep because I feel my husband rubbing his hand under the bottom of my sweater shorts .. he's saying baby. Baby. .. hey we still have company. I look up at him he's got his hand in my shorts. .. I say get rid of them. I push his hand in .. he does this for a few minutes and I'm so there .. he's kissing me so softly. Dam boy has some serious skills. Wow. .he says we have to get back to the people in there. I put my sad lip out .. he says we will continue this very soon. . We walk in the living room Tam Says I have to get my rug rat home. .. I say OK. She hugs me. So glad ur home Mel . Aww me too. . When the house is empty ..Jay walks up behind me and wraps his arms around me . He says u ready ? I shake my head yes . He picks me up over his shoulder and carried me to the guest room. He slams me down on the bed he is on top of me instantly. He Says u wanna play .. I shake my head yes !!!

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