FUCK him

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Jay reaches for me and I jerk away so fast ..oh hell naw !! Jay ! I saw you ! I saw you touch that whore.. he says yes u did. I have ..but not like that. It was just in a friend way. I snap yep ..snapped. IF I HAD FRIENDS I TOUCHED LIKE THAT I'D BE DIVORCED !! YOU CAN GO TO HELL JAY. I DONE ! I WANT OUT . I DoNT HAVE TO EXCEPT MY HUSBAND IS A FUCKING BITCH WHO TOUCHES EVERY WHORE AND KNOWS HE CAN FUCK THEM ALL. I DONE IM DONE. I push him away from my car I step back in and crank my car .. Jay grabs me and says don't baby. Please wait. Ur way to mad to drive ..is push him out the car frame. But he dint go far .. he grabs me and I almost fall out the car. He catches me .. I'm screaming stop stop. Tears always betray me .. he says Melanie please stop . I'm begging you I just need you to calm down .. I'll let you go and u can drive home .. I know this game .. I pretend not to be bat shit crazy anymore he let's go and I do something stupid. OK. I'll play. ..I calm down. He says ur not fooling me. . I look up and say huh in the most sweet voice I can muster .. he says I can feel the adrenaline in ur body ..I know ur not calm ..and we are gonna stay here till u are .. 45 mins. Later Jay is still holding me . He whispers please drive safe this time. My heart can not take that .. when I pull in the drive at home I'm exhausted.

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