exciting news !!

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Rick and mom walk in with hello kitty . No a person in a costume! !! Awwwwww I cry . McKenna isn't sure of this .. but all the other kids love it . We tell the kids to go jump .. in the moon bounce . Everyone looks so happy !! I need to pee!! I beg Jay to hold McKenna .. he says come here daddy's birthday boo. She loves daddy so much she lays her head on Jays chest bottle in mouth .. I walk kinda fast to the bathroom and bust in the door too see Matt standing there peeing!! Stick out !! Omg ! I'm half in the bathroom before I calculate what my eyes are seeing .. I turn around as I'm saying Omg I'm so sry .. I'm sry .. I shut the door and run to my bathroom in my bedroom. I sit and laugh so hard . No that did not just happen .. wow .. OK. I've seen it ..but not in a long time ... wow . No no. No. . I finish here and walk to my mirror and fix my make up. Spray perfume on my self .. and walk out my room to the kitchen. . Matt says hey its OK. You've seen it .. I'm red faced . I say matt I'm so sry really I swear I did not know u were in there .. he says it's OK breath. ... I'm dying here ! OK I need a pepsi. I grab a bottle from the frig . Matt says u got another one if those .. I hand him one and he holds my hand around the bottle and says u could have held it for me .. I look up in his eyes and say wedding Saturday. He let go . I walk outside . I tell Jay we need to do cake and presents .. he says she about to fall asleep .. I say hey boo wake up we gonna get cake .. she looks sleepy. . It's past nap time .. Jay says let her sleep babe. They can wait . I say OK. Jay is holding her and rubbing her back. She's gone in secs. I'm thinking yep daddy has that effect on mommy too. I smile Jay sits down in the chair . I walk in the house to grab a blanket for McKenna and see Tammie bent over .. I run to her ..Tam !! Are u OK .. she says umm. I Think I'm in labor . I freak !! She has a pain look on her face . I say come sit down I'll find Sam . She sits down in my chair. Girl do not let ur water break in my chair!! She laughs. I take off .. I look all around I can't find Sam . Fuck it I scream SAM!! I see him look up .. he has this look of what girl ? I say it's time !!! He looks again confused ... Tammie she's in labor !!! He walks over to me. Calm down girl where is she .in the living room . We walk in and Sam bends down in front of Tammie. He says hey baby u OK ? She says not really . He says when that pain ends we will go to the car .. matt walks up come on man I'll help u get her to the car .. they lift Tammie out the chair and Matt wraps his arm around Tammie. .. Sam is on the other side. . They get her to the car... Sam says tell McKenna uncle Sam and aunt Tam are gonna have her a play mate for her birthday. !! He's smiling I hug Tam hard I love you girl I'll be there soon . She says no ! It's her birthday stay here I tell sam I'll see yall soon . He pulls out the drive way and I fall apart I'm crying so hard . Matt grabs me .. he says she's gonna be OK .. she is... he's holding me tight .. i tell him matt I couldn't handle if something happen to her ..he says I know baby I know. He's just holding on to me so tight and rubbing my hair .. we part and I look up no one is around they are all out back and I know Jay didn't get up cuz McKenna was out on his chest .. matt looks at me. He says I was looking no one saw us ..but I know when u need me I'll always be here ..it's OK for us to be friends and it's OK to comfort ur friends .. I can promise u one thing those vows Saturday ain't gonna change how I care for u. I'll always be here for you Melanie ! He walks off.. he's mad .. dam . I walk back in the house straight to my room I shut the door I bend down beside my bed on my knees and I pray to God . Please please take care of Tammie and baby Chloe and Sam . Please god please !! I cry hard .. I'm so terrified for my friends and there baby ..

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