this bitch

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Sitting at the doc office holding McKenna in my lap .Tammie next to me .. she's here to watch McKenna incase they need to exam me .. dr.homsi is so glad to see me and the nurses are all over McKenna. Wow she's gotten so big .. yep two yrs.. after the exam I'm told I'm 2 months pregnant well after the ultrasound they determine 10 weeks .. all is well and see ya in a month ..we leave . Tammie says I need to tell ya something .. I say ok .. she says I think I'm pregnant. . I look up and grab tam.. are u serious. .she says well I'm late .. awww.. Sam and Tam are moving long quick. Chloe is only about to turn 1 .. she and McKenna have the same birthday . As a matter of fact we are having there parties soon . When we reach the car Tammie says we need food !! Yes we do ! I agree . My phone is ringing .. I start the car it's freezing out side .. winter happen fast .. jay says hey baby how did it go ? I say we'll I'm 10 weeks pregnant honey ! He laughs.. I say all is good. . He says that's great . Jay says please don't be mad at me ... I say what ? He says I have to leave out for Nashville tonight . Jay ! He says I know .. I know .. I'm so sry . Please don't be mad .. OK jay I gotta go McKenna is fussy I have to feed her .. I love you ..I love you too. Three hours later Tammie molly marrissa tosha and kammie are all sitting in my living room zare has agreed to keep McKenna for the night ! Cuz us females are having a slumber party !!!! Yes .. jay comes home and packs his bag .. he kisses me and says not so much junk food for my baby! And rubs my belly . I say lots of junk food for both of ur babies .. we make out for a few minutes and he leaves .. we turn up the music and we dance and sing and eat .. when tosha walks out in the hall and says broke .. I say what ..she says this water thing .. I walk to the bathroom and see water rushing from the back of my toilet ..oh lord. I ask marrissa where is Matt is he home ..she says no ....he went to the casino with derek.. oh wow. Ummm I call Rick .. he's here in no time .. he says I need a wrench .. marrissa it's at ur house .. molly and kammie go to her house .. . We are holding buckets to the faucet part and pouring water in the tub.. Rick looks stressed ..he says where is Jason tonight ? My very quick wit snaps in place .. I say oh out with the guys .. he says great .. I say so how is that Nashville job? He says it was cleared two mons ago .. which means that job has been done and even closed out . Ummm ok . I'm starting to have these moments of clarity! ! Sam is a technology genius! ! But wants to be a singer for a Rock band ..go figure know he's home tonight .. I tell the girls I have to run to the store. Stay here guys .. I drive over to Sam's house and knock on the door. Sam looks really surprised to see me .. he says we're u double dog dared to come here and do something stupid. He laughs as I enter the house .. he shuts the door .. I say well no ..but I feel I'm going to .. he says what's up girl. I say Sam I need ur help .. two hours later I've gathered that my husband is seeing the social security collecting old whore in Nashville. I've got her full name address work place .. and all text sent to and from him and her .. I've got more info and facts then the fbi could have gathered in two days two hours. Sam ur the man .. he says Melanie. Please please be careful. Please . I say oh I am ..he says ur pregnancy. . I leave . Too pissed off to even cry .. I pull back up at my house .. leap from car and run in the house .. they look at me like I'm full blown crazy .. Rick says it's fixed . I say thank u . When Rick leaves I explain in short that I have to leave . They look confused. No time to explain I've got my bag packed . I look at tosha u got two days to kill.. she says yes .. I do. Love tosha she is always up for anything and she is bat shit crazy !!!! This time I need you tosha. She says anytime . Yes! Tammie I need you to get Kenna tomorrow ok .. I'll tell zare . OK she says. You got her till I get back ? I ask yes of course ! I'm serious take care of my baby . I will mel . OK I'll call you. Yall party on I say as I leave.

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