Baby shower bliss

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The next morning I'm sitting at my vanity doing my make up and hair for my baby shower today . I look so huge !! I'm 9 mons pregnant I guess I'm poss to .. but still I waddle like a duck .. I've got on a pair of white maternity jeans , a light pink long sleeve blouse and a pink and silver scarf. My hair is down and all curled thanks to Tammie who is helping me today . I've got on silver flats .. nice pair of diamond earrings .tiny Lil studs.. a very cute braclet. I'm ready to go which is a good thing cuz it's 11:20am ..I'm an hour late !! Oh well . They can't start with out me .. we get a out the car and there are 1000 balloons everywhere on the mail box and a huge sign .. saying baby on board .. in pink.. Jay looks at me and says zare spares no expense when it comes to you .. I smile. We walk around to the gate and open it . OK lemme explain in great detail what I see.. OK there are tables everywhere! They all have white linen cloths on them with different shades of pink linen clothes on top. Each one has a center piece with huge glass vases filled with candy .like all pink skittles or all white and the men some are done in a design with layers of pink and white . They have bows around them . There are pink streams everywhere !! And ballons. So many balloons. Pink white and silver.. there is a table Two times the length of my car stacked with gifts . Wrapped so beautifully! ! Omg. It's perfect. Like straight outta my dreams.. there are silver trays of food on one table . And silver trays of desserts on another. . I'm just standing here its like a fairy tale . I have tears pouring down my face . There is a seat for me it's a white rocking chair with a silver and pink blanket throw over the back they have a hook of some kind stuck in the ground behind it . And there are streamers hanging from this hook they are silk like looking and the silver thin streamer type all curled it's so pretty !! Zare walks out the house and says they're here !! I walk on into the yard .. every single person I've ever known is here . And a lot if people I don't know, strange . Zare takes me over to my throne as she calling it . Jay says I'll make u food. I laugh. Yes I want food . Always .. I talk to all the ladies they wanna know how many weeks am I . And if the nursery is ready and do we have a name . The questions never stop . I'm wearing my very best most happiest smile today. I haven't been this happy in a long time. . This is mommy bliss two hours has passed and I've eat almost everything I could get my hands on .. food bliss! Zare says it's game time .. oh wow . Each guest has to take some string and measure out just how big they think I am. The one who is closest to my actual size .gets a prize . Jays string is literally 10 in. He says ur perfect to me .. and all the ladies swoon. The next game is a diaper thing. You pick from a box of diaper aka napkins if yours has the brown in it . U win .. the games are going on and on. And I'm laughing so hard .. when I see this stupid bitch walk up on the patio. Wait what ? I stand and walk toward her .and Jay has appeared outta thin air and is next to me. Lil miss Shana says I'm just here to say congratulations and I brought a gift... she is dangling a small bag between her finger and thumb. I smile. Hard . Jay says u need to go now. U are not gonna ruin this for Melanie .. she says chill Jason. Im not here to ruin anything. I'm genuinely happy for u . I smile at her and says then u should stay have some food .play some games . She looks confused. I say I'm serious. She says OK . Jay says um what the hell. I say Jay look she brought a gift .. let her stay. And watch me get everything she wanted but will never have with you .my evil voice has served me well. She walks over and makes her and drink .. she stands off to the side watching .. mostly Jay .. but it's all good . Zare says it's time for gifts ... when I see Bea and Maria walk in the gate !! I can't move to fast but i try and I hug them so tight. I'm crying again. . They go on and on. About how big I've gotten .. time for gifts.

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