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Two months later. .... I'm back at work and Kenna is in preschool. Jay is back at work. And we have settled back in to normal life. I haven't spoken to Matt. .. as I'm leaving work at 3 pm headed to pick up Kenna I get a call. It's zare... she says I want to get Kenna this weekend. Please. OK I'll see what Jay has planned and call u when he gets home .. OK. .. I switch the call off. And stand next to my car ... I was gonna smoke. Before I get in. But I feel sick .. I puke so hard . Like wow. Jeff runs over to me hey girl u ok... I say ur food is killing me. As we both laugh .. he said ur food u cook that stuff. I laugh .. he says u look green my love . Markus walks over and says hey Mel... I look up and he sees the puke filled ground. He makes this face of ewwwwww... I grab the car feeling somewhat dizzy. Markus picks me up quick and walks in the restaurant.. it's cold as shit out side. It's warm in here . Too warm. Ugh. I think I'm sick .. I really don't feel well. Jeff hands me a sprite .. I call zare back hey girl. I just puked my guts out and I'm not feeling so well. Can u go pick up Kenna. Please. She's on it... thanks. I wait another hour before I leave... I'm all better I thank the guys. And Markus walks me to my car. Ask me 6 times if I'm on to drive .. yes I'm ok. Thanks. When I get home zare is there letting Kenna out the car ... and Jay is pulling in. Jay jumps from the truck and runs toward Kenna. He lift her in the air and spins her around. I feel my stomach turn again... I walk to the yard and puke violently... Jay hands zare Kenna and runs over to me .. Hey baby u ok... I sit down and look around like ok what the he'll? We go in the house and Jay orders pizza. I lay down and drink coconut water for two hours. This stuff is a miracle !!! I feel great. Jay fed Kenna and got her in bed. Jay says I have to run to the store my love ... I'll be right back ... OK. I kiss him. When I wake up Jay is saying hey baby. Hey. Melanie. I roll over and he says I'm back ... I look at the clock. He's been gone an hour. I sit up . He says u need to eat baby. I got u some soup and crackers and 7 up ... some coconut water .... he's pulling all this stuff about of bags and I sit down and grab the pizza box... I stuff the pizza in like I didn't eat all day. Which is so not the case I ate all day !!! And we'll puked all night. Ewwwww. But this pizza is Devine. .. Jay looks at me and says I knew it .. I look up mouth full of pizza and my confused face on ... he pulls the pink box outta the bag. It says pregnancy test... I look at him like huh. ... he says u are and walks away... the box is right in front of me. I stare at that box like I was making three wishes. Well I was. ... please be negative. Please be only one month if positive please don't let Jay ask .... wow I think I'm in shock. .. I look at my calendar on my phone. I haven't had a period sense I left Italy. Well I was on my period when we was at six flags. .. Oh wow. Please no. Please no !!! Jay walks back in the living room he says u look scared .. I look up at him ... I'm terrified!!! But I just smile. Jay knows me way to well. He knows... when I finish my 4th slice of pizza .. I walk to the kitchen sink and wash my hands ... I'm wiping my hands and face. Jay says come on we need to know... I sit down on the toilet and hold the test in the pee stream 4 secs. I lay it down on the counter .. I clean up and put my pants back on ... I stand there and see the word come up. ... PREGNANT !!!!!!!!!! I sit down on the toilet Jay looks at me he says u think it's his? I jerk my head up very quick. Jay shrugs ... I look back down at the floor .. tears pouring out my eyes. Wow. I'm not one to have different baby daddies. I'm not a whore. I'm not this person. I'm such an idiot.. wow. Melanie u have done rhetoric ultimate. U can't even say who the dam daddy is. ... wow. Wow. This makes me feel gross ... I need a shower right now. Jay walks away he's out side in the garage when I get a out the shower. Clean teeth brushes twice .. warm bed clothes on . Slippers. And it's late. I text Jeff. I'm sick boo. Can't come in tomorrow. He says yeah please don't... I text Tammie. Please come over in the morning if u can !!!! She says that bad. Yes!!!!! OK see u first thing . I walk to the garage door and see Jay beating this piece of wood with a hammer. He's sweating and he's mad ... like really mad ... I walk back the room and decide to let him have this time ... I fall asleep. ... when I wake it 4 am. And Jay is in bed holding me ... I roll over and kiss his face .. he says I love u no matter what. I say I love u too. As tears roll.. by 7 am I've had a shower gotten dressed and gotten Kenna ready . We've had breakfast and are ready to go out the door. Jay kisses me and leaves for work ... I call Dr homsi office. I make appt... for 11am ... Tammie shows up at 9 am .. I explain ..she's like oh wow .. yeah she's in shock not a me thing to say. .. she's going with me to this doc. I might need her to hold me lol..

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