secrets and lies

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Two days till I leave for melanie vacation... this is the third one in 18 mons. Jay and I talked about it and I've explain to him with all I do I need three days to my self .. the first two trips were to the smokie mountains. I went completely alone ! But it was part of the plan too .. I figured Jay would follow me. Not sure he didn't.. but if he did I was alone .. but I won't be this time . I'm not even nervous . I'm thrilled.
Zare picked up the girls an hour ago and Jay is off playing b ball with ty... I'm home alone . Washing my clothes and packing my luggage .. Tammie knocks on the door hey girl. U packing. Yep. Cool. She's making her self some coffee. I walk to the laundry room. She comes in. Wow that's very sexy panties and clothes for a weekend alone. She laughs .. I look down. I don't lie to Tammie. Ever we have no secrets. But she don't know this. No one does. The past 8 months has been top secret !! Tammie says mel? I look at her. I've wanted to tell her but I really can't take it if she disappointed in me. She says ur not gonna be alone ? I look back the floor. MELANIE !! what? Who. Matt! Huh. Tammie don't freak out please. Why melanie? U said u and Jay were doing great ... because Tammie ... why melanie tell me why would u keep doing this I don't get it. U have a great husband! OH PLEASE HE'S NOT THE PERFECT MAN U THINK HE IS. YOU IT REALLY PISSES ME OFF THAT EVERY WOMAN IS SO DAM BLINDED BY HIS LOOKS!!!! I'M YELLING NOW. JUST BECAUSE HE'S GOT THE LOOKS AND CHARM DOES NOT MEAN HE'S PERFECT. HE USES THAT SHIT ON ALL WOMAN. ... MELANIE U MARRIED HIM. AND YOU PROMISED U WOULDN'T DO THIS SHIT NO MORE. .. SO DID HE TAMMIE. SO HE'S CHEATING TOO? YES ... I sit in the chair. Folding my clothes. With who ? Is he seeing Erica again .. no. Well Idk... but he's been seeing Shana again. I caught them in the act. WHAT TAMMIE SCREAMS. .. yeah well I borrowed Molly's sisters car two weeks ago. And I followed him .. he was at the lake . Shana pulled in and I walk in the dam forest down by the lake and saw him and her in the front seat of his truck .. they were definitely fucking. Her head was way back and she was bouncing on his lap. He was kissing her neck. I walked back to the car puked twice cried and left. I came home and have been pretending I have no clue. I found text ... and it's her number.. Melanie are u sure ? WOW TAMMIE THINK MAYBE U COULD BE MY FRIEND FOR ONCE ? I AM UR DAM FRIEND. BUT COME ON MELANIE YALL BEEN DOING THIS FOR WHAT 8 YRS!! AND ? AND MAYBE IT'S TIME U BOTH STOP PLAYING THESE DAM GAMES. GROW UP !!! Yeah thanks Tammie. My husband cheats on me and I'm the bitch. NO YALL BOTH CHEAT UR NO VICTIM HERE. BUT UR BOTH GIVING FALSE HOPE TO OTHERS. .. NOPE UR WRONG THESE OTHERS HAVE BEEN AROUND LONG ENOUGH TO KNOW. ... ...
FUCK IT MELANIE. HAVE FUN . I'M DONE... Tammie left .. slam my front door. I sit and cry for a min. Because my friend is disappointed in me . Not because I'm a bad person. I am but know what I'm not gonna swim in that pool. Or drown in my own tears. Fuck that. .. two hours later my clothes are all packed up and all the stuff I'll need is ready to go. I put it all in the hall closet and shut the door. I make myself a small salad. And ear dinner alone. Zare wants to keep the girls. I said yes cuz I'll have them all day tomorrow by myself plus sissy. We are going to the safari place. .. whole day of that. I've packed those bags too .. after I eat my phone rings. Jay says hey baby. Hey .. I was gonna let u know I'm going to play pool with ty I'll be home late. .. OK. The girls are staying at zare house .. Oh cool u can start ur Vaca early. He laughs. Yep. I pretend to be happy.. he says do u want me to come home so we can be alone ... no Jay it's fine. Imma get a bath and soak. Then off to bed early I'll have to be up really early I'll have to get the girls ready at her house. And then pick up sissy. .. so no u go have fun. OK... OK baby. I love you melanie. I love you too...
The next morning at 4:44am. I sit up looking around. Am I still home alone? I go pee .. Walk to the living room it's dark except the one small lamp on .. I don't see Jay anywhere .. I look outside and his truck isn't home .. I pick up my cell and call Jay. I'm worried .. no answer . I walk to the kitchen take out a water bottle and drink it all .. I call Jay three more times ... no answer . Dam! It's after 5 now. Where the he'll is my husband. I have to start getting ready soon. I call Jay again ... nothing. OK.. I get in the shower .... an hour later I'm sitting at my vanity in a towel . Calling Jay once again. Nothing. Ughhhh. I get my clothes out get dressed and do my hair and make up. It's 6:49 am. I hear someone knocking on the door. I open its ty .. he's smiling so big. Looks fresh from a shower smells so good. He's all happy. Hey beautiful! He says as he passes me.. I say hey ty. I'm smiling big cuz he is. He says why don't I smell some bacon and eggs ? You don't cook for me no more woman ! I laugh. He says where is ur husband we have tee time in an hour .. my phone rings. . I pick it up. Hello. It's Jay. Hey baby. Hey. I'm so sorry I fell asleep at ty house I'm in the car now on way home. I put my finger to my mouth as to shhhh ty .. he shakes his head yeah.. what are ur plans today. I'm pose to play golf. He says. With ty I ask ? Yeah he says. Huh.. u were just at his house did he say yall are. I laugh. He says no he was a sleep when I left. Oh ok. Well I'm gonna leave in a few minutes.. I say. Jay says ok. I'll see u this evening imma stop and grab some food on way in. OK... I hung up. Ty says that Jason? I say yep. Ty says I wasn't here ? I laugh. He says dam Mel. I'm sorry for what ever yall going threw this time. I didn't want to be in the middle. .. ty it's OK. What did he say. He said he stayed the night at ur house and u were a sleep when he left. So he wasn't sure about golf this morning. Ty says. Dam. I say no its OK. Really. I'm use to the lies. But u don't have to say anything I won't either. We can just leave it alone. Ty looks at me and says why would u do that melanie. ..? Because I'm going on vacation tomorrow. And I don't want to ruin my time away. Ty says yeah I understand. .. but why is he lying to u so much again. I say Shana. His eyes get so big. Yeah I know. .. but I haven't said anything because the girls deserve better.. us fighting all the time isn't good for them. .. I say ... ty says melanie you deserve better too. I didn't say that. But u do. .. I'll talk to him. . Says ty. No please don't. Ty just be there for him. Be his friend. We will work it out... ty shakes his head yes. And I hug him tight. He says I'm sorry. .and walks back to his truck. . I grab our stuff and run to my suv.. I leave quick. When I get to zare house she had the girls fed and dressed .. good. I pile them in the Suv. And we head out to get sissy. Two hours later we are driving threw the safari park. It's awesome. .. we get out and go feed a few animals.

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