grown folk games

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The next day I wake up to Kenna saying mommy mommy. She's standing in her crib next to my bed. I look up and she's handing me her baby cup .. I sit up and see sissy is in my bed .. I guess she came in here in the middle of the night. phone is ringing too wow wake up !! Tammie says I'm at ur front door let me in. ... I grab McKenna and tell sissy to come on .. I open door for Tam and Chloe . Chloe reaches for me immediately I set McKenna down and take miss Chloe. She's so dam cute ! All dressed up in her overalls she's kissing my cheeks. It's so cute. Sissy is saying she wants her. .. I set Chloe down and the three kids play .. I tell Tam ur here early ..she gives me the look .. I say yall fighting ..she says yes ! I say welcome to the club ! She says yall at it again. Yep ..he didn't come home last ..Tam looks shocked . He went to Nashville. .for work .. Tam says yeah well at least ur man don't think he's a rock star and stays out all night in bars and clubs ! We are both mad .. I tell her keep and eye on our rug rats while I whip up some breakfast .. she's watching them .. 30 mins later we are all at the table eating .. Tam says we should go to the zoo today! I say yeah that sounds good . Sissy says yeah I wanna go . We laugh .two hours later we are walking into the zoo. We see molly and her daughter walking ..molly oh so pregnant again. She hugs us and says we can hang with yall today ..
Standing in the gift shop I've bought McKenna a cute monkey and a sip cup sissy got a big panda bear at the other gift shop . And she now has a zoo cup with a crazy straw.. Tammie got Chloe a Meer cat stuffed animal and a sip cup . We are headed to the car after 4 hours of the zoo. We have had lunch at cat house cafe and walked a lot .. I'm ready to head home . I put McKenna in her car seat and sissy in the seat belt . I'm putting the double stroller in the back when my phone rings . Jay says hey baby where are you. I say the zoo. He says oh. I'll come there if u want me too. No im leaving here now. I'll be home soon.. he says OK. I'll see yall soon then. Yep . I hang up ..he calls right back .Melanie did u hang up . Yes Jay I did. I'm trying to get all this stuff in the car .. which ain't easy my car is too dam small for two kids and all there stuff.. he says I can hear ur having a tuff time ..but dam u couldn't say I love you before u clicked... I say I love you Jay. I really really love you. I'll be home soon. Bye . Click !!! When I get home Jay walks to my car and takes McKenna out. He says hi . To me ..I say hi. I get sissy out and the diaper bag .. I walk to the other door and take out the bags of stuff. I walk in the house ..I drop all on the table. And go pee.. Tammie is sitting at the table with her daughter .. when I walk back in. Jay says I'm gonna grill out tonight if yall wanna stay Tammie. She says yes . Thanks .. I need coffee and sweets ..I put the k cup in the machine and hit start. . I walk to the food closet and look around. I grab cookies . I give Kenna one sissy one and Chloe . Jay sits Kenna in her high chair and says Tam can u watch them .. she says sure .. Jay says can I speak to u? After I make my coffee I'll be there . He walks away .. I look at Tam .who just seems shocked .. Mel ? What I bask Tam ..she says he's mad . I know.. I say while stirring my coffee . She says what is his problem? Oh its Cuz I'm not bowing down to kiss his ass. Really. Yep. I'm over it all Tam . She looks at me with raised eye brows and says really? Yes really. . Watch the kids please .. I take my coffee and walk in my room ..Jay looks up in that half glance smoldering hot corner of his eyes look that seriously makes the belly feel tight ... I say yes ..he says ur mad at me. I move over in front of him and lean against the dresser.. I say yep! He looks up threw his lashes and says why? Because I didn't marry a man who will not be home every night with me and our daughter. He says not what I wanted either ..

Mr. Right NowOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora