straight jacket bound

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I can hear Jay and Shana talking .. they walk to her car and Jay opened the car door. I step out of the stair shadow .. and walk up to the front of her car . She looks up and sees me first .. she had been smiling so hard .. she stopped real quick . Jay looks over at me. .. he looks down at the ground real fast .. Shana just shit her pants I think . I walk around her car and step closer Jay steps between me and Shana protecting this bitch !! Oh I lose my shit quick. I leap toward this bitch she's mine. .. I've grabbed her hair and drug her to me as Jay has caught me in mid air ..I got her tho. I knew Jay would do everything in his Power to stop me .. he's holding me around my waist and I've got a solid hand full of her hair and I've tried to punch this whore.. Jay is pulling me away but he don't realize I'm not letting go of her ..nope. she is just being drug along with me ..Jay screams let go Melanie as he sees I've got her .. he says Melanie it's not what u think! !! Let go .. some how I'm not even sure but I got loose from Jay and I jump on this bitch and hit her several times Jay lifts me off her and pushes me to the car . I hit him 1000 times !!! Yep I've lost my shit and I like it. I'm gonna kill them both ! Yep that's what Imma do ! Shana got up off the ground and is dusting her self off. . Jay is watching me ..he knows. I'm not done . Just a Lil break from this episode of snapped it's a two part episode. . And I'm not sure that was my worst .. altho I can see Shana is bleeding from her lip .. I step toward Jay .. he's looking at me like wow I've married a nut job . I say WHAT ? You gonna tell me your not fucking her again . He says no I'm not. We are working together . On a project for you .... I look at him like I must have heard him wrong .. Shana is getting in her car .. I step away from Jay toward her car. Jay grabs me ..I scream get out the car bitch ..NOW ! She steps out the car .. I say explain. She says my best friend works for the city we are trying to build something for you. I look like the most confused person on earth Jay says don't shana.. I look at him. She better I say. She says Jay has been trying to make something right he wronged a long time ago .. we are not seeing each other . I'm well aware yall are really married . And ur daughter is beautiful! I wouldn't do that .. I look at Jay ..he says I need to show u something. Shana says I'm out .. she got in the car and left .. I lean on my car and catch my breath. I'm lost. I saw him kiss her cheek I've seen his hands on her. ..they are lying !! Jay says can we drop ur car off at home and I'll take u to see something. . I say no u can not. I saw u kiss her face . I've seen ur hands on her a few times .and yall are lying to me .. I jump in my car and take off Jay is behind me when I look in the rear view mirror. I speed down the road ... he's right behind me. When I turn corner I didn't see the big ass truck coming and I had to swerve to miss it. .. wow that was too close .. I pull over in a closed gas station. . I put my car in park and Lean over .. head on steering wheel sobbing. I've lost it ! Jay opens the door .he's holding me . I cry so hard .. I can't catch my breath. I've dealt with more shit from this man. It's time to end this . I really can not keep up this level of insanity! Jay says are u OK ? I look up .in San must look Uber insane .Cuz i laugh hardy laugh. With tears streaming down my face .. I say wow I OK. Nope. I think u should call the big white truck with the nice nurses who call u sweetie and treat you like a wounded animal !!! They have those good drugs ! I think I need good drugs ..... Jay says I love you Melanie. I was not cheating on you ..please believe me .. I jump out the car and scream like really scream !!! I SAW YOU KISS HER FACE I SAW YOUR HANDS ON HER ..I'VE BEEN WATCHING U . He says I've been nice to her she saved me a lot of money and she help me get this gift for u .. nothing has happen like that .. he looks at me like I'm ridiculous. . I giggle !! Yep I'm scared ..I think I really have stepped out of reality! !

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