pamper me

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Two weeks later Tammie and I have a girls day. We got zare to keep the kids today so we can go to the spa hair nails .. the works. It's Tammie birthday tomorrow and we are all going out !! I can't even remember the last time we all went to an adult event lol .. as Tammie and I first have breakfast at my job. Jeff is making us some serious breakfast food. I show Tammie around its 7am. She's not even a wake yet .. Jeff Saya did she have a ruff night .. I say no she's a mom too. He says I gotta get me one of these mommy's yall speak of. I don't remember mom's being this hot .. he laughs . I say you just see us clothed .. lol he shivers and walks away .. tam and I laugh as we go sit down in the employee booth .. Jeff brings our food ! So good . He pops me with the towel on his shoulder .and puts it back. Tammie pretends it's all good till Jeff is back in the kitchen she then gives me the look .. I say no. Never notta. She smiles .. two hours later we are at the spa chin deep in mud .. Tammie says now this is birthday bliss! ! We laugh . This mud is so warm's like a warm blanket makes u feel so relaxed .after an hour of that we are having a shower I watch the mud pour down the drain .. I'm thinking about last night .. I went to the mall to get Tammie a necklace for her birthday . But I ran into Matt and marrissa.. very awkward ! And I was alone .. worse .. seems that Jay threaten Matt that if he didn't tell his wife Jay would. .so I guess Matt told her ..she called me crying saying I was her friend why would I do that .. and she trusted me .. yeah I cried for three day. . She hasn't spoke to me in 9 days and we haven't seen them sense then till last night. Matt looked at me twice but she looked away .. I kept walking . But cried when I got to my car .. I've done to her what I had done to me .. it's not fun nor a good feeling . When I step out the shower Tam says where were u last night. I called u .. I say what time ? She says ummm like 8pm. Oh I was at the mall running into marrissa and Matt. Tammie has her big eyes going strong .. I say yep . She says well.. like OK give me more of this story .. nothing .just saw them and kept walking. And cried when I got to the car because I'm the worst person on earth.. Tam says no ur not .. ur just weak when it comes to that beast of a man. Mel he's gorgeous. . I know i say ... but Tammie. No matter looks he can't do what Jay can ..bam what! !! Tammie laughs .. we are off to get are massage! An hour later we are being waxed of all hair !!! Tammie says fuck this .. she ain't down for the katniss treatment ... I laugh at her so much my sides hurt .. and well my thighs hurt so bad already have a huge bruise on my inner thigh. Tammie asked when I took my clothes off early to get in the mud ..what happen ..I say my husband likes it ruff.. she laughs so hard . She don't know the half if what I've been subject to in the last three weeks .. it's been some kinda weird . Believe me . A whole new world ..and we are not talking the Disney song version . Bet . After our massage and eye brow thread .. we are whisked away for a facial. I love how I feel after I've been herd all day. And these ladies are like family to me now. I baked them some goodies and brought them . The ladies love them. . I'm having a pedicure. They just started this. But I think I love research tiny fish chewing on my feet ..Tammie is squealing like a pig .. oh shut up its nice . I laugh full on elmo. Tammie has tears .. and she's having a laughter fit ..the fishy she keeps yelling .. I laugh so hard ..omg! I say fish in my hair ..Tammie can't . She holding on for dear life to her chair .. this is friendship . An hour later we are laying in a chair getting a belly wrap thing put on us's to burn fat . It's hot .. sweat pouring down ..and they are painting our toe nails neon pink on me Tammie is getting neon blue . And we have been served another Frappuccino! !!! So good ! Tammie says this my love is the life .. I say I know right ! Toe hours later we cleaner then we have ever been . Off to the salon ..

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