I'm not me ..not the me I once was

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When we finally arrived at the cabin it's late. We stopped way to many times .. but the girls are very happy to be here !! I'm exhausted from the drive and I think I just wanna take a nap till morning .... after we unload my Suv and get the girls settled in Jay says I'm hungry !! We just ate. Three hours ago. Jay says imma go get some McDonalds who wants some. The girls say me me .. I say no I'm not hungry. Jay picks up my keys and left. Didn't even kiss me by .. wow. OK then. It's now 10 pm. The girls should be a sleep. I should be too!! Ugh. I lay down on the love sac with the girls and play the movie Annie. I must have passed out cold. Cuz when I wake up the girls are both knocked out on the other love sac I feel like I could have been a sleep for two days. I'm groggy and grumpy .. and very thirsty. And I need to pee... ugh. It took me 7 mins to get off this bag and stand. I look around but don't see Jay. I walk up stairs to the kitchen I drink down two large glasses of water and look at the clock. It's 3 am. Wow who knew .. I walk to the bathroom .. I walk back to the bedroom and see all our luggage laying in the bed. .. no Jay. .. OK. I pull out some bed clothes and change .. I walk back to the kitchen and see Jay sneaking in the back door. He's fully dressed and has my keys in his hand. I just look at him as he turns and sees my face .. I raise my eye brows at him and he says not now .. I'm way too tired to fight. But I'm must say I'm not happy.. I walk back down the stairs and lay down. I'm out .. when I wake I see Kenna sitting next to my face saying mommy. I'm thirsty .. I sit up and look at my phone it's 8 am .. OK yeah must feed kids breakfast ... ugh. Sissy wakes up and says I'm hungry.. I tell them both come on .. I see ms Maria in the kitchen making a massive breakfast! It looks so good. Kenna runs to her .. Maris is over the moon happy she has her baby Kenna back. They love for a good 6 mins. And sissy too. Maria says yall must have gotten in late. Jason is knocked out on the couch still I look over and Jay hasn't moved. I tell Kenna get him .. Kenna runs over to daddy bug. He's awake with one Lil whisper from his only daughter. The center if his entire world. .. he loves that Lil girl more then anything ! Jay is smiling so big when he lift Kenna and is holding her in his arms. She's smiling so big. She says come daddy momma Maria made us some big breakfast!! He sits up and lift Kenna as he's walking to the table. .. they look so happy. This is good. .. after breakfast I take a shower with the girls. We all get dressed up for the day. The flea market is today and we are going !! The girls look super adorable today. I see Jay walk out the other bedroom he's had a shower and he's dressed nice. He smells so good as he walks right past me. . Didn't say shit ... OK. An hour later we are walking the flea market Kenna says I need the pineapple drink. I've got her and sissy hooked on these things . Lol we grab some drinks and funnel cakes ! We have been shopping for over two hours when I see bea and Maria. They wanna take the girls shopping. I agree and they walk away. I turn and see Jay walk away too .. wtf?? He's acting like I cheated on him. I didn't. I just have men friends. Ugh. Fuck it I think ill just go shop for myself .. I have money .. hehe. I decided to leave this building and walk over to the far far building. The one with the spa treatments and all woman stuff. Lol. After I've spend too much money and had so many treatments done . To my hands and feet. Nails .. hair. Shoot I feel good. I got a very much needed massage too. That was wonderful . I feel way more pampered and relaxed. .. well I did till. I'm walking back to the first building and see .... Erica!!! WTH? She standing there . Right there !!! Yuk. I felt my stomach turn. And I feel the dots connect quick. Jay was out all night. .. wow. This is gonna be good. I'm walking full steam ahead. I'm thinking just hit this bitch HARD !! That's the plan .. yep. .. mommy ! Mommy ! I hear my child. Mckenna I look over and Kenna is holding this huge monkey it's Brite pink with a tye .. sissy is holding a bear with a bow on its neck. They both have cotton candy .. the sight of this child of mine stop me in my tracks .. I bend down to Kenna and say that so big. It's as big as u . She says my bea bea got me this. She's very happy. Bea is smiling so big. She says MA got the cotton candy. Oh health nut momma she mumbles. I bust out laughing. Like really laughing. I tell Kenna and sissy an all veggie dinner. We are laughing and very happy. As I hear her voice. She said hi Maria how are ya. Maria said hi . I turn and look as Erica is bending down in front of my child she says hi mckenna, Kenna looks at me. Erica says it's OK sweetie I'm a friend of ur daddies .. I just saw in my head ..myself kicking her across this parking lot. . Like literally she right by my foot. I could kick her. Kenna says my daddy .. and moves I went to grab her ..but I see Jay. Kenna runs to Jay and screams daddy. Jay swings Kenna up in his arms and says what's wrong my baby bug. Kenna says ur friend .. and points as she lays down on Jay's chest holding the cotton candy. Jay looks up and sees Erica standing. Jay's eyes are very big. Erica says hi Jason. Ur daughter is so beautiful.. Jay hasn't moved or spoke to her. Erica says. Mckenna don't be afraid of me . Not like daddy. And she laughs like quelladivill... Jay don't see the humor in this statement.. I don't either. Bea says we were gonna take the girls to get some lunch food. And get there nails painted. Bea walks up to Kenna and says you wanna go get ur nails done with me. Kenna reaches for me. I take Kenna from Jay. I kiss her and ask her does she wanna go. She says yes .. I hand her to bea. They walk away after handing Jay the huge stuffed animal.. bea laughs. I smile at bea. So it's me Jay and Erica. The bitch troll turns to me. Says ur daughter is beautiful.....

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