adult hood

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I drove home with the girls. decided I wanted to them to sleep before everyone showed up .. after the four of us took a shower and put jammiies on . I rocked my two Lil ones to sleep in there room. While Kenna watched a movie in her room. As I'm rocking my babies I'm thinking wow. Matt looks so good. Shaved his head. Yum and him and marrissa will be here soon. As I'm laying the girls in there cribs. I hear the door unlocking. I walk to Kenna's room and see she's a sleep too. It's 8:30 pm. I walk to the living room all the men are bringing the stuff in the house. Marrissa says hey girl do u have any juice Ethan is thirsty. I say sure as I walk past Matt to my kitchen. I pour Ethan some apple juice. I beg him to be real quiet my kids are in bed a sleep. He says yes ma'am. Jay walks in a grabs a water bottle. Smiles at me and says u changed. I took a shower with the girls and put them to bed. It's late for them. He shakes his head yes. All the guys leave. Matt and marrissa stand and talk to me. Jay said he was gonna get a shower. .. I tell them to have a seat. .. we talk for a bit. When Jay walks back in. .. in a pair of sleep britches no shirt no socks. ... hair wet. But he's rubbing it with a towel as he's saying baby ... I look up and smile he says oh. Sry I didn't know. He turns I say Jay what did u need ? He says. Oh nothing as he's shaking his head no. He walks back to the room. They announce they have to get Ethan home to bed .. we says our good byes and I lock up the house. When I walk in the room Jay is watching TV. I lay in the bed with him and he cuddles up to me ... in a few minutes Jay was rattling .... out cold .. OK then. I decide to go put away all the girls new stuff. I pull all the boxes to the living room floor and start take tags off and toys outta boxes. .. I find a big box to put the trash in. 30 mins later I have all tags off the clothes and go put them in the wash. I make a cup of coffee. And walk outside to smoke. Wow it's gotten super cold. Tonight. My phone is ringing. I grab it and walk back out side. He says u think they know? I say. I'm not sure. I hope not. He says I talked to Ethan many many times. Yeah I did the same with Kenna. It's hard to keep up with lies tho. I say. He says yeah. But I wouldn't give it up for nothing. Nope me either. We still on for the museum next week. Yes I say. Melanie. I love you baby girl. I say I love you too. He says next month ? Yes ... he says I gotta go beautiful.. I miss you. OK bye. .. when I turn around Jay is standing behind me. He says aren't u cold? I say yes. He smiles and says come on. I'll warm u up. We walk in the house .. I tell Jay I'm getting all this stuff put away. And show him. He sits down and starts helping me we get them all done and take them to the dinner table to inspect. All is good. Jay places all the boxes in the garage and puts all the trash out. The house is clean. I can't put toys in the girls room till morning.. I can't wake them. They will be so fussy ... so I make another cup of coffee and pluck a cookie from the jar. . I remember I bought pumpkin spice scented oils for the rainmakers. This Lil water filled air purifiers they make ur house smell so good. The oil does. And the water filters the air. I have 6 of them. I take out the 2 big bottles and fill the machine with clean water and oil. Yes u can smell it now. Lol. Jay walks back in the house .. he says that smells so good. I smile. He says that's pumpkin huh.. I smile again. He says are u trying to seduce me ? As he walking towards me in his predator walk. I say yesssss... he says we have our guests room back. We cleaned and painted that room a few weeks ago. It's nice in there again. But so close to our twins room ... I say ok ... as we enter the bedroom Jay complete demeanor changes. He shuts the door and walks over to the bed side table sets down two bottles of water our cigs and a candle. He lite the candle. And turns off the light. He says come here baby. I walk over to the bed. He begins taking off my clothes so slow .. he's watching my eyes the whole time. His eyes are almost black. But wide open. When I naked. He stands and says take mine off. I take his off and he's ready. Like huge ... he laid me down on the bed. And went down immediately.. it's like the best feeling ever. He's really making this good. My knuckles are white from gripping the sheets. And my head is all the way back. When I convulse so hard Jay moves up to my face and begins kissing me very passionate kisses. Full on. .. I move down his body. Take him in my hand and move up and down while holding very tight. He's so big. I can feel it throbbing in my hand. I push my mouth down the whole length and Jay makes this groan sound ... it's the sexiest sound .. I pull as I come back he grips the sheet. He looks at me in the eyes several times while I continue this act.. but he can't watch for long. I know this. So I tell him Jay watch .. he looks at me. . His eyes close I say Jay please watch. He opens his eyes but they are glazed over. And he's got this pain look on his face. I know he's close .. I circle my tongue around the tip. And Jay closed his eyes again. I take all of it in my mouth and suck really hard. Jay grab my shoulder and was Cumming so hard the whole bed was shaking. He's breathing super hard like panting. He finally settled down. He looks at me and says. You don't play fair. I smile. He says that was mind blowing I knew I married the right one. ..he winks. I giggle. .. a few minutes later. Jay is two fingers deep and giving this his very most loving dedicated attention. And I'm losing grip with reality. It's beyond anything. He begins circling with his tongue while still doing that. When the moment hit me it was happening in both. Inside and the outside. Dual orgasms.... who fucking knew. This was the most wonderful experience I've ever had. Mind blown to the next level .. WOW when I relax Jay says what was that ? He's smiling. I open my eyes .. he says tell me baby. . I say I just experience two orgasms in one .. like on the inside and the outside at the very same time. It was .... Jay says wow .. I say yes WOW Jay laughs and says I didn't even know that was possible. I said me either. He says dam we are good. I say ur good . Dam fucking awesome. He smiles really big. ...

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