his baby boy is perfect

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Sitting at the doc office I'm told I'm 3 centimeters 40 percent effaced . And I could deliver any day now. Which scares the T total shit outta me!!!! The doc says he believes I'll have a vaginal delivery doesn't see any problems and call him when I'm in labor . Oh yay!! When we leave the doc office we head over to newks to eat lunch . So hungry day and night now . Doc says McKenna should weigh about 8 lbs . We will see.. I'm seriously having a love fest with thus chicken salad sandwich when I see Jay talking to someone .. I can't see the other guy cuz he's right in front of Jay at the drink station. Jay turns to me and I see Matt. . His wife and son .. omg. I'm a whale . And stuffing my face . No! They walk over and Jay says have a seat man. They sit down in front of me. ... I turn to see Matts son. Omh he's the cutest thing ever looks just like matt. I try for 2 full minutes to smart out my chair . When I am finally up right standing in front of Matt and his wife . She hands me her baby boy . I take him and wow .this is real ! I'm holding matts. Son . Matt says so when are u due . I say yesterday. He laughs . Jay says doc says any day now .. marrissa Matts wife says well welcome to sleepless nights crying fits and dirty baby's . I laugh . She says it's hard work. He's almost 3 mons. And I'm just now able to leave the house with him . Ahhh. His so beautiful I tell Matt . He says Thank you in his shy way. Matt is nothing short of gorgeous him self. It's so hard to see him with a wife and baby . He looks so good . He's happy . This is what I wished for him .I blew the wish in the air in Italy and it came true.. his name is Ethan. Marrissa says omg how cute I tell her. I say hi Ethan ur the cutest thing I've seen yet .. I tell him . He's smiling Matt says he likes you . Marissa says I'm gonna give you my number u call me if u have any questions or just wanna talk and hang out . I hand her my phone . When we arrive home to a spotless house and everything finally in its proper place I walk straight to McKenna bedroom . I love this room !! I'm standing in the middle of her room looking around .. Jay walks in and says holding that baby made it real huh as he wraps his arms around me from behind . I shake my head yes . He says yeah me too. I say Jay she's really on her way . And the baby shower is tomorrow!! Yes we waited way late but it took is for ever to her the house together .and I begged zare to wait I just didn't want to bring anything else into our home yet .. I had enough to tend to . But I'm off work for 6 weeks now . And the house is ready . I got a new outfit today for the shower which I have got to wash and iron .. now! We have to be at zare house by 10 am .. the shower will start at 11am.. Jay says I know baby. I know we will be there .. Jay says he has to go do something in the garage .. I tell him I have to wash our clothes for tomorrow. We kiss and go our own ways .. I put the stuff in the washing machine and go to the kitchen .. I'm gonna cook a casserole for dinner chicken pot pie style . I'm cutting up all the veggies when I hear Tam come threw the door ..she says please tell me ur ass is cooking .. I'm starving ! I laugh. Yes Tam I'm cooking but it won't be ready for another two hours . U know dinner time .. she says oh no can do .. I have to eat now. .. she is going threw my frig . She found so home made salsa dip and is grabbing the chips .. she says I know u have a pepsi.. I say yes my love bottom shelf in the pantry .. she is making her self a glass .. I have Been shopping for this Lil monkey of ours all day !! She says .she's referred to my baby as our baby and a monkey .. I laugh I jus know Tammie is gonna be so in love with my our baby .. we talk for an hour while I put together this casserole. In the oven and I put clothes in the dryer.. I'm on it today.. Tam is looking out the window .she says mark is here .. I say oh yeah ..

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