family time

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When Kenna was fast a sleep . Jay walks around the bed pulls the cover off of me and pulls me to my feet ..he says come with me .. I walk to the living room and Jay closes all the curtains and blinds. . He walks over to me and takes my clothes off and lays me down on the couch. He's kissing me and saying I love you so much baby. Please ... I shake my head yes. . Well because it feels so good. The power of Jays sexual appeal is dangerous! He knows it to .. he's got his hand between my legs and says so ready so fast .. u make me very happy baby. . He's in and I'm so there .. he's not taking his time today. These are known as quickies... in parent world that means the kid will wake soon and we gotta be done and normal parents . And go !! When Jay is done having his moment .. he stands gets dressed and helps me. He says come on ..pulls me back to our bed ..tells me to push Kenna over and crawl in. I Do . And he crawls in behind me. He's spooning .. he's rubbing my hip and kissing the back of my head .. I fall a sleep quick .
When I wake up Kenna is crawling over me to get to her daddy .. she sits on him and kisses his face ..Jay hasn't moved she tries again she kisses his face .. nothing Jay is out..she says daddy bug ..he opens his eyes and smilies so big. Kenna says daddy bug wake up.. he says I'm awake Kenna bug .. in his sleepy voice and I'm so turned on by his sleepy voice !! I lay my head on his arm and Kenna lays her head on his chest she's looking at me so serious. I say what's wrong baby girl I rub her face she gives me her mean mug face and says my daddy bug ..I laugh she's so cute !! Jay laughs. And says I'm mommy's daddy too . And raises his eye brow.. I laugh Kenna gives Jay her mean mug .. he laughs .. he says OK ok. I'm ur daddy . She smiles .. we play with Kenna for a while ..Kenna says outside ! Jay says ok. We will take u outside .. two hours later it's 3pm ..and i tell Jay I have to go grocery shopping and get Chloe a gift .. well another one ..I've ordered a bunch of stuff ..clothes and stuff .. but I have to get toys for her .. Jay says we can all go baby ..I say OK .. standing in Walmart super center looking at baby toys for Chloe I see some guy staring at me .. I look at him twice and look back at this toy in my hand. He says Melanie ..? I look up . He says ur Melanie right ? I say yes . He says u don't remember me ? I always hate moments like this. I'm sry .I say I look confused. .he says I'm Andy and all at once I remember him !! I grab him in a big hug ..Omg !! He's hugging me tight. Wow oh wow. I'm so sry. I did not recognize you. You look so different. . He says you look the exact same. Beautiful. Aww thanks I say. Wow he looks 1000% different and so dam hot !! Wow . He talk for a minute. .he ask if I'm married as he's looking at the massive rock on my finger. Yes I'm married .and I have a daughter now . Shes 2 ... he smiles ..u? I ask. He says nope. No wife . I have a son tho. He's 4. Oh .. OK. Cool. We say our good byes and he hugs me again. I smile big turn to walk and Jay is standing behind me .. I say hey boo boo to Kenna she's holding a bear ..she says mommy I got bear .. I say Aww .so cute sweetie .. Jay is still looking at me like that guy is trying to die.. he raises his eye brow the wanna explain ur self way .. I smile .. he says Melanie .. OK I know him from 6th grade ..he was my boyfriend. ..but he moved away and I haven't seen him in a long time. That's all. Jay has his smirk on .. I say what ? He seem to know u well .. Jay says. I say yes . We do .did .. that was along time ago Jay. He says I'll need more info .. I say later please .. we have so much to get done before Kenna bed time. It's now 5pm and she will be ready for bed by 8 . We load the baskets with groceries and toys for McKenna ,chloe,and sissy . I grab and few house hold items and we head to check out .. it's now 7:20.. Jay says I want some Chinese food. So I pull into the Chinese place. Jay tells me what he wants. I go in and order .. he says you following me ..I look up its Andy. ..

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