the restaurant

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Markus is that what u want to be called. I ask him as I sit too. He says yes ma'am . Im Melanie most just call me Mel .. he smiles . I look at his paper work .. tell me about ur self Markus .. I say . He says I'm 26 yrs old recently divorced I have two kids 6 and 3 . I just moved to the downtown area and would like a job near home. I have 4 yrs bartending experience. And I'm a construction working by day .. I shake my head yes .. I look up and he's still smiling ..I smile back . So u wanna work nights only? I ask. He says during the week days yes. On sat and sun I can work any hours .. OK . I say. Well tell me about the type of drinks u like to make. What's Ur poison ? I smile .. he says I don't drink ma'am. I look up at him. I like this ma'am crap! .. any drug use ? He says no ma'am. I can pass a drug test. I say good good to know. He smiles.. Jeff walks in and places my plate of ravioli and bread in front of me. . He says Ur sprite with cherries my love .. he's smiling big. I say thank you. Awww Ur so sweet . He says this is our best chef and she's the most important of the staff. If u can pass her test and she likes u Ur in .. to Markus .. I smile .. Jeff leaves the room and I pick up my fork .. I'm starving !! My phone rings. ..oh I'm so sorry. Please excuse me. ..he nods .. hello. Jay says hey. I says hey. What are u doing ? I'm in the middle of an interview. . Can I call u back. Jay says interview? Yes I'm interviewing an employ .. a new employee .. I'll call u back. I say this very rude .. I hang up .. I look at Markus I'm so sorry . He says it's OK I have an ex .. he smiles. I say yeah. Well Markus is the any questions u have for me ? He says yes ma'am. In this dark sexy tone .. what do I need to do to impress you. I look up ..mouth full of food. ..he says mr.jeff .. says I need to impress you. He smiles his sexy smile.. I swollow.. and say Markus. U wanna impress me .. show up on time to work. Don't call in a lot. Keep the bar spotless , and always make sure we are stocked ..fill out Ur ship least hourly . Keep the customer happy and well served . Always ask me before u say we have anything special! ! Never tell them we have something without asking me or Peter ! And Jeff knows very Lil . So ask one of us .. he's staring at me. I'm gonna hire you. Please put my number in Ur cell. And call me if u need anything. I know most of the answers. And we don't like to bother jeff.. he smiles. I say I have Ur number I'll check my schedule and I'll let u know when u will start. .. expect a call from me .... I say umm how late is too late to call or do u prefer text ? He says u can call or text anytime .. OK well sometimes I'll just leave you an text. I don't get outta here early. .. and u won't either .. he smiles. . U OK with leaving here at midnight 1am ? He says yes ma'am . OK then I guess we are done here. .. I stand and shake his hand. I'll walk u out I say. I walk out first .. when we get to the door. I turn to him. I say I'll text u as soon as i get the schedule. . Thanks Melanie ! I look forward to hearing from you. I smile. Yes sir. He leaves . I'm walking to the employee break room .. Jeff jogs up and says well ? I say I hired him. He says yes I knew you'd know best . And i want you to be his boss .. I look up. He says u run this place anyway.. which I do .. I smile .. after I eat I call Jay back ..hey. he says I can't talk now. I'll call u later ..he hung up. Oh fuck!!!

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