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I see Erica holding her mouth and stands up she rushes tosha and they got to the ground tosha beat her ass for a good min. But jay pulled tosha off of erica.. I take off running this is over I'm done !! I'm not even sure how it all happen but some how as I was getting to my car I slipped on ice and splatted out face first in the ditch..the ditch was full of powder sort snow. I didn't get hurt .. but my emotions were running very high .I was mad and hurt and Jay is lifting me up when I punched him hard in the eye .. he grab me and says stop . Stop ..I know it's over I know u hate me ..just don't hurt the baby .. I'm gonna kill him if he. Let's go of me .. I'm gonna beat his ass till I feel better .. he let's go ..and I turn and hit him so many times .. I can't stop. I'm screaming u ruined our family over her . You never loved me. You never stopped fucking her did u.? Did you ? Your a low life mother fucker.. how dare you .how dare you blame me ..you blamed me !! I screaming and crying . You never loved me ..I double over in pain ..my stomach is cramping so bad .. I scream so loud ..the sound echoes threw the trees I hold my stomach I'm on all four on the snow I can't ...jay lifts me up and sets me in my car .. he takes the keys from my hand and gives them to tosha you drive her back to the cabin. Now ! I'll be there in a few minutes. Jay Says .. tosha says we are here .. I look up at the house .. I step from the car tosha says come on . I look at my keys I have a key to this door . Rick gave it to me two yrs. Ago . I find the key and open the door. . I have to pee . I stand in the bathroom and wash my hands first I have dirt and snow on them then I do have to pee .. I wipe and there is blood every where . I take my phone from my pocket and call uncle Keith .. I tell tosha I have to go to the hospital while I standing in the living room floor . She looks at me horrified. . I whisper I'm losing the baby .. I hit my knees I see jay run toward me .. when I wake up ...I'm laying in a hospital bed and Jay is sitting next to my bed.. he's crying uncontrollable. . I move my arm out of his touch .. I sit up and try to remove the iv.. he says don't baby don't Melanie he grabs me I look up at him with malice eyes ..did I lose my baby is my baby gone ?jay grabs me in a hug and is holding me tight .. I'm crying so hard .. when the doc enters the room. Jay steps back .. the doc says hi mrs. Rykard .. I look at him like I'll stab u .. he says we did a dnc you lost the baby . He says that's a removal of all . I shake my head yes.. slowly just let the doc know I understand. . He says I'm so set for ur lose . I shake my head again very slowly. ..he says we will release u to go home in a few hours. You are fine . I'm the furtherest thing from fine .. but he pats my leg and leaves my room .jay sits on the bed facing me ..he's crying again .. baby I'm so sorry ..Melanie I'm so sry. GET OFF MY BED AND OUT OF MY LIFE .I WANT YOU GONE . I yell at him . He's crying so hard .. Melanie please .please don't . I'm serious Jason leave now.. he leans down and puts his head on my stomach .. please don't make me leave .. please. He's begging in full blown sobs. . I just lay my head back .. I feel like I've been hit by a truck .. I fall a sleep .. when I wake the doc and nurse are talking to jay .. he's holding my hand . I snatched my hand away from him... the doc says I've made u an app with dr.homsi .. in two weeks you need to take it easy no stress no work .. relax .. I shake my head yes . For 6 weeks. .. psshhhh . I look at him like dude I have a child who is about to turn 2. He says I'm serious. Doc , can I have more kids ? I ask .he says yes ma'am . You can. We checked everything. Your completely healthy no problems with conceiving again.. just wait at least 6 mons.. I shake my head yes.. jay says when will she be OK to travel we live 4 hours away.. he says I'd wait at least a week.

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